An Age of Miracles: The Revival of Rhomanion

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I, for one, oppose the idea of Nicephorus leading to a lasting republic. All you democracy fans have OTL to celebrate monarchy being overthrown in. Let's see a timeline where monarchy is capable of actually handling issues.

In the aftermath of Nikephoros' hypothetical overthrow, there's no doubt going to be some amount of confusion. I'm personally hoping for an Angelos restoration at this time.
I, for one, oppose the idea of Nicephorus leading to a lasting republic. All you democracy fans have OTL to celebrate monarchy being overthrown in. Let's see a timeline where monarchy is capable of actually handling issues.
Heck it doesn't even make sence. This is well before the time of people thinking about democracy. Exspecially in a nation where democracy they will imidetly think of the pagan greek athenians, the cutthroat polotics of the Roman republic and...the venetians.
Then again, what's to prevent some little breakaway region (like OTL's Dutch Republic) establishing their little republic and not getting wiped out on account of having powerful friends/a massive military/not being important enough to squash? Not in the Low Countries, of course, they seem to be happy enough within the structure of their kingdom, but, say, Serbia (just pulling the first potentially independent nation that I could think of) could give this idea a solid run for the money.
Then again, what's to prevent some little breakaway region (like OTL's Dutch Republic) establishing their little republic and not getting wiped out on account of having powerful friends/a massive military/not being important enough to squash? Not in the Low Countries, of course, they seem to be happy enough within the structure of their kingdom, but, say, Serbia (just pulling the first potentially independent nation that I could think of) could give this idea a solid run for the money.

Maybe. Though why would they go for a republic?

I think that sort of idea would be interesting with that in mind.
Maybe. Though why would they go for a republic?

I think that sort of idea would be interesting with that in mind.

They might not have the incentive right at once, but being a regime separate from Rhomania might allow for a nice little incubation chamber for tendencies that would not be present elsewhere.

Perhaps also Prešporok could also see something of this nature? There's somewhere else that I was going to suggest, but my mind's blank...
I, for one, oppose the idea of Nicephorus leading to a lasting republic. All you democracy fans have OTL to celebrate monarchy being overthrown in. Let's see a timeline where monarchy is capable of actually handling issues.

Agreed, and with the people still thinking of Andreas as a minor deity I really doubt his descendants will be replaced so quickly or easily.

@B444, Excellent as always. I'm starting to get the sence that death for Nikephoros would be a mercy killing. If he wins, he has to suffer a long slow death of syphilis, and if he loses, Venera and orc Alexia will find a Phillipe-esque way to torment him before he dies for sure. I suppose whether Alexios going into battle is a good thing or not depends entirely on the outcome of the battle. If he dies, he's dead, if he loses, he's incompetent, but if he wins he looks allot less like a kid riding his mother's skirt, which is a pretty big help in a war that is haf based on propaganda. Curse you cliffhangers!
It's quite heartwarming to see Theodoros visiting his parents every day. As for Alexios, he simply has to do what he needs to do. I'd say Andreas pretty much such set the standard for how any Roman army and Emperor should conduct himself, and his descendents should prove themselves worthy of his name, no matter how unfair it is.
From the update it seemed that also the Bulgarians defected to Alexios' side (since the four tagmata defecting were the Epirote, Chaldean and the two egyptian ones).

So things have turned out quite well for the Allies in the South, as expected the south Syria tagma will remain home to guard against the Ottomans (while using the "excuse" to stay out of the war, that was brilliant :D), while also the phoeanicians have used the same excuse, although I think Nikephoros will try to punish them (since it's "clear" their efforts at sieging is rather unenthusiastic).

In the end between the retirement of Demetrios and the defecting of the mediterranean naval squadron it was staged a sea-borne attack (with the compromise solution of using only one tagma). I like Andreas K. way better than his father.

Another bad deal by Venera, Serbia independence is coming? (if Alexios win).

For now the Allies have severely improved their position, securing (or having at least the neutality of) basically everything south of the Taurus (with the Syrians likely joining up with Thracesians/Opsicians plus the rest of the Anatolians/Coloneians).

We can expect three big battles in a short time: Burgos, Corinth and somewhere in Anatolia.
I think the deal with Georgia and possibly Vlachia were worth it, but Serbia . . .

40%? No.

As EotB's Alexius II would say:

"From the usurper's hands into the rebel's."
For Serbians the time for independence is now and they have to support Alexios to the end, if he wins, not only they would be independent, they could even become a partner of the Orthodox alliance (which Vlachia would support for the simple reason of having another power hostile to Hungary, since Serbia would want back Bosnia).

If Nikephoros win it's the end of Serbia, the crack-down would wipe it out.
For Serbians the time for independence is now and they have to support Alexios to the end, if he wins, not only they would be independent, they could even become a partner of the Orthodox alliance (which Vlachia would support for the simple reason of having another power hostile to Hungary, since Serbia would want back Bosnia).

If Nikephoros win it's the end of Serbia, the crack-down would wipe it out.

There is that. But I'm not sure it's a good trade for Rhomania.
About Saluzzo being "busy remembering it's an imperial fief", what would that entail? I guess it's because Arletians are in a civil war, Milanese wouldn't mind gobble up that buffer which at the moment is not that useful.

It's not like Manfred would run to defend the marquisate and technically also the duchy of Milan is part of the HRE. There is some rule against annexing with force other members? if there is, it's not like there are many german princes (with whatever power they have left) to mind what Italians do to each other...

question: Are the Herakleian walls completed? if the battle of Corinth ends like I think it will, with an allies' victory, things would be very ugly for Nikephoros in the european theater (even if at Burgas his forces win) when the Army of the North arrives. That army may be slow, but it will arrive, if not it would be a major embarrassment for the Russians (similar to how the Romans fared against the Blue Horde).
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Current status of the Roman Empire. Purple is Nikephoros, light purple is allies, green is neutral. Note that out of the defenders of Constantinople, only 25,000 are capable of field operations.

Yeah, Alexeia doesn't care much for the legacy of Andreas Niketas, since his example is increasing the probability of getting her brother-twin killed. Keep in mind this is a woman who lost her father when she was young, had her husband killed in front of her, and now is watching her mother waste away. That leaves only her brother, so naturally she and Venera are protective of him.

There is approximately a 0% that a successful Senatorial coup would lead to a Roman Republic. As has been mentioned, 'Republic' is a dirty word with foul connotations in TTL Rhomania. Also a concept of Rhomania without an Emperor is completely utterly foreign to every facet of Roman society. People may fight over who is the monarch, or how much power the monarchy has, but no one, not even the rural dynatoi, question its right to exist.

Having a Republic isn't impossible ITTL, but the only way Romans would pioneer it would be French Revolution style, which admittedly is an intriguing idea.

It's ironic; Nikephoros has become Herakleios. Because of his physical weakness, he has enemies trying to kill him. And even if he wins, he still has to deal with his broken body.

:eek: On the Bulgarian defection. I realized that I need to have them join the Allies to avoid Nikephoros just defeating them in detail, and forgot to write that in. I'll go edit the update and have it be five tagmata siding with Venera/Alexios.

Apologies on the confusion. Tagma is singular, tagmata is plural. The two tagmata in Egypt are the Egyptian and the Augoustamnikai. To avoid writing the later out, when I'm referring to both I call them the Egyptian tagmata. That's what Andreas of Egypt took to the Peloponnesus.

Serbia is a compensation for the unexpected support Nikephoros got from the tagmata. The plan is for a few years down the road, perhaps as a preliminary to the Hungarian offensive, to charge Vukasin with something and use that as an excuse to depose him. And while Vlachia would try to draw in an independent Serbia as an anti-Hungarian ally, an independent Serbia would also sever any land connection between Hungary and Rhomania, significantly decreasing the odds the two come to blows.

Saluzzo is simply put, sucking up to Manfred. By emphasizing its ties to the Empire, it significantly increases the odds that Manfred would view a Milanese invasion as a direct attack on his authority.

The Herakleian Wall is about halfway done.​
Sorry but that map doesn't include vassals does it? I see no Serbian stuff or the Italian vassals so that is what I am assuming. Are the Italian vassals just staying Neutral for now or did I miss the update where what they are doing was mentioned? Also what about Venice?

Also on the Roman Republic, I would love to see Rhomania go through a French revolution that eventually turns into a constitutional Monarchy ala OTL but instead of having it deposed it ends up being successful with a string of popular Emperors that know their place in the country and do not overstep the authority granted to them by the people and not by god or right of birth. After all, the Republic only lasted 12 years and was then succeeded by 44 years of monarchy, then 4 years of republic, and then 18 years of monarchy again before finally having a republic that lasted a long time.
Perhaps Rhomania could have something similar but instead of a disastrous war that lead to the creation of Germany they could have a successful war that makes people willing to see a middle ground in a constitutional monarchy. Could be an interesting second Time of Troubles.
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Oh well. Us republic fanboys can only dream. I'm still holding out for the future Autonomous Republic of Serbia. :p

The Herakleian walls aren't going to be worth their weight in gold if they've still got great big gaps in them when the Russians roll through. By halfway finished, do you mean half of the walls are currently in place, or the walls are up in their planned positions but are only half as tall/broad/polished as they're supposed to be?
A mixed world is always more fun in my book. Too bad for me our world turned out to be the ultra republic land.

The developing world and underdeveloped world don't look much like republics to me, at least for the most part. The middle east is filled with Monarchies along with noticeable parts of Europe.
Given the Laskarid and beyond development of a middle class with real political weight, I doubt an absolute monarchy forever is feasible.

A monarchy, sure, but the burghers are going to want at least some say in things - especially as the emperors haven't been exercising their "What the Emperor wants, the Emperor gets." in favor of more moderate measures.

Can't see it becoming a mere figurehead, but limits on imperial absolutism may still exist.
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