Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VI (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

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All that work and we can't escape Clinton-Gore.
Texas after the Tempest;

The Tempest would rupture the old order of the United States, as the world humanity inhabited was reshaped in hellfire. For Texas, the calamity of the Tempest would devastate countless population centers and bring the state into a period of disorder, before calm was restored in the early months of 1984.

This marked the beginning of the second period of Texan Independence, and it's first subperiod; the Contradiction. While the American Dollar was in theory rendered worthless, and many companies simply collapsed under their own wake- the Oil Conglomerates of Texas faced no such fate. They quickly re-established themselves, and swiftly acquired influence over the Government of the newly independent Texas.

But they were not the only businessman in the ring. Ross Perot's companies had indeed collapsed and his fortunes rendered nearly useless in theory, but he still held a great amount of sway. For two years the game of influence was played until a spark lit the oil fields and sent young Texas straight into the arms of the Black Coup.

Preceding the planned elections by a matter of weeks, the Coup was conducted by hired mercenaries of the Oil Conglomerates, who killed President White & installed former representative Tom Vandergriff as President. Ross Perot, having been forewarned of the planned coup would evade their efforts, regrouping with loyalists and launching a countercoup the following day.

The Oil Conglomerates would be nationalized by the newly anointed President Perot, with the Conglomerate Board fleeing to the United States Reclamation Authority under Administrator Carter. Perot would be elected with 98.2% of the vote in the 1986 elections.

Perot's rule would be increasingly authoritarian throughout his time in office. The USRA would finally open negotiations for the Second Republic's re-entry into the Union in 1994 following the conclusion of the Western Campaign, but an attempt on Perot's life would lead to his withdraw from the negotiations and the closure of all diplomatic channels. His rule would grow erratic and dictatorial following the attempt, and in late September of 1995 the USRA would invade Texas.

While initially resolved to stay and fight, the Texan Military would be crushed within 20 days of the war's start. Perot would flee the country, soon followed by his Vice President and close ally Charlie Wilson after a brief, failed attempts at negotiation with the invading Americans. Former and once again Vice President Jack Pope would be left to sign the agreement of surrender, bringing Texas officially back into the United States.


Hey look at that, no AI generated stuff! Just had a folder full of face claims. Decided to make something with little lore, so, ask away... just don't expect a detailed answer.

The 2006 German election was held on the 18th June 2006 to elect the members of the 16th Bundestag, with incumbent Chancellor Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul of the SPD running for re-election to a second term in office.

The ‘red-Heidi-green’ government of the SPD, Greens and KPD had been noted for its radicalism early in its period in office. It reversed several planned and enacted privatizations the previous CDU/CSU-led government had implemented, committed Germany to non-involvement with war in Iraq and a humanitarian aid programme for Afghanistan (though many leftists were disappointed by the Bundeswehr not fully withdrawing from the country), increased the highest rate of income tax and introduced civil unions to expand the rights of unmarried and particularly same-gender couples.

Wieczorek-Zeul had also proven personally popular after her government oversaw a swift response to the August 2002 floods that caused severe damage to eastern Germany, and for her government’s efforts to strengthen purchasing power under the Euro. These moves helped somewhat to counterbalance criticisms from the right that she was more focused on foreign affairs than domestic ones, though the slow recovery of the country from the early 2000s recession did strengthen this point.

The CDU/CSU gave over its leadership to Angela Merkel, marking the first time the two main parties had been led by women. Merkel advocated for deregulation of the economy and pledged to reverse the tax rises and nationalizations of Wieczorek-Zeul’s government, while also stressing European cooperation, largely eschewing social issues and forging a more cooperative relationship with the FDP than Edmund Stoiber had been able to as Chancellor.

Merkel’s policy platform, and the right-wing opposition’s attempts to portray the ‘red-Heidi-green’ coalition as extremist, enabled the CDU/CSU to secure fairly consistent leads in the polls, culminating in the party’s victory in the 2005 North Rhine-Westphalia state election in 2005, where the SPD lost control of Germany’s largest state after 39 years of uninterrupted governance and the opposition gained a majority of support in the Bundesrat.

It was suspected that Wieczorek-Zeul might be forced to resign, particularly since the incumbent President Horst Köhler was from the CDU, but solidarity among the left was shown by figures in her government, most notably Finance Minister Oskar Lafontaine, Green leader Joschka Fischer and KPD leader Gregor Gysi all declaring ‘Ich stehe mit Heidi’ (‘I stand with Heidi’) in their responses to press criticisms of the Chancellor.

As with her government’s policies, the ‘I stand with Heidi’ movement proved somewhat controversial. Many right-wing Germans launched protests in opposition to her decision, and Merkel and Guido Westerwelle accused Wieczorek-Zeul of building up a cult of personality, but Wieczorek-Zeul’s response to the movement was modest and she surprised many voters by publicly expressing willingness to negotiate with the Bundesrat regarding her government’s policies.

A considerable amount of legislative deadlock occurred during the following year, and blame began to shift towards the right. In particular, Merkel’s popularity was declining due to the left comparing her policy agenda to that of Margaret Thatcher and associating her closely with opposition to tax cuts. While the CDU/CSU continued to consistently lead the SPD in the polls, leftist sympathy for the government was on the rise, with protests taking place outside the Herrenhaus where the Bundesrat meets frequently during 2005-6.

Once the Bundestag was dissolved and the campaign began in late May 2006, the CDU/CSU-led coalition was considered the favourite, but it slowly began to decline due to a series of gaffes, unpopular policies and a further decline in Merkel’s popularity. Merkel mixed up net and gross income figures in a speech and endorsed a flat tax proposal, leading voters to perceive of her as out of touch and only interested in benefitting the rich, and when British Prime Minister Tony Blair met with her in a state visit ahead of Wieczorek-Zeul she became associated with support for Blair’s militaristic foreign policy and was accused of assuming the right to the Chancellorship.

On the 4th June, a head-to-head debate was held between Wieczorek-Zeul and Merkel in which most commentators considered Merkel to have won, but the general public was much more favourable to Wieczorek-Zeul. Many voters claimed to be undecided close to polling day, with that figure actually rising during the last weeks of the campaign.

The exit polls proved a major surprise, showing the CDU/CSU only half a percentage point ahead of the SPD and suggesting the ‘red-Heidi-green’ coalition might secure enough seats to be re-elected to a second term even if the CDU/CSU became the largest party. It was also initially unclear if either the left bloc or right bloc would have enough seats for a majority in the Bundestag, in response to which it was suggested that a ‘traffic light’ coalition between the SPD, FDP and Greens or a grand coalition between the SPD and CDU/CSU might need to be formed. In the event, the SPD came 2 seats and 0.3% ahead of the CDU/CSU, with the margin between the two largest parties being the closest in modern German history.

On the right, the CDU/CSU made much more modest gains than the FDP, which took 78 seats and 10% of the vote, its best result since 1970; it even won the second-highest amount of regional seats (though due to regional leveling instead of it actually being as popular with voters as the CSU and SPD). This led Merkel and Guido Westerwelle to suggest a ‘Jamaica coalition’ should be formed between the CDU/CSU, FDP and Greens, but Green leader Joschka Fischer renounced the idea.

The ‘red-Heidi-green’ coalition emerged from the election with 318 of the 629 seats between them; despite their majority being cut from 100 to just 8, the result was considered a major upset victory, compared by some observers to the 1992 UK election or the 1997 French election. The second Wieczorek-Zeul cabinet was confirmed in the Bundestag when it reconvened in July.
HoLCAN Box.png

My first attempt at an infobox in a timeline where the Dominions remain closer to Britain and have local Houses of Lords as the upper chamber of legislature rather than Senates. Also a more consevative world that has not experiences Lords reform (at least not the 1997 one).
A Fire-bell in the Night! The 1999 Confederate State Presidential Election
The 1999 Confederate States Presidential Election was the first presidential election that occurred after the complete enfranchisement of all non-White citizens in the Confederate States. Due to international pressure, both the CSA and its ally of South Africa would end their apartheid regimes by 1995 and 1994 respectively.
Early in the election, political commentators in the United States, South Africa, and Brazil believed that Buchanan would win the election, despite the campaigns of Burns and Edwards. One commentator even claimed that Buchanan would win due to a split ticket between Burns and Edwards. As the campaign progressed, however, Burns started taking the lead in a number of states in the Deep South. Buchanan would still have strong support in Texas, Arizona, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. Edwards support was strongest in Kentucky and Virginia, with stable support nationwide. Burns would win most of his states by slim margins, closest being Arkansas and Virginia within .1% of loosing to Buchanan and Edwards respectively. Burns' strongest states were Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Tennessee.

Buchanan would claim that the election was rigged by "Communists and [censored by Digipedia Incorporated]", though an investigations led by the League of Nations would conclude that there was little to no vote rigging.

I've always figured that a surviving Confederacy would be a mix of Apartheid South Africa, Segregated United States, and Brazil (pre-emancipation). Slavery would be abolished in the Confederacy sometime between 1888 and 1900, probably due to international pressure. Segregation/Jim Crow/Disenfranchisement would last from the end of slavery until 1995, again due to international pressure. The people used in this infobox are used to represent the rough ideology of their political parties. They're not meant to be 1-to-1 analogous to their OTL counterparts. While working on this, I did realize that this would have been better served as a legislative election rather than a Presidential, but doing the math for a legislative election is a little bit much for me to do right now.
Just noticed you used the best candidate for the Confederate flag OTL! The fact it was never used was just one more of the tragedies of history regarding that worthless abomination
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