A Blank Map Thread

I was bored so....

.... may i present the eastern mediterranean!!!

Shadow Knight said:
Good job Chingo, but may I suggest you not do ones that have already been done already. Perhaps some of China or the Caucuses?

It was actually made for my friend but let me see what else i can do, i wanna do something large
Chingo360 said:
It was actually made for my friend but let me see what else i can do, i wanna do something large

Then China would be a good place to start...or maybe a large map of the Carribbean (from the coast of Mexico to past the Antilles in the East, and from the northern Gulf Coast to the southern coast.).

[Edit] Don't forget that there is an option to have rivers appear if you want.
Highlander said:
I don't like to add rivers - makes it look too cluttered.

Working on one of South America right now.

i agree with Highlander there, plus it adds like 1 hour to the map making process
Highlander said:
To each his own, but I don't think so.

Depends on where in Europe many borders are along rivers (especially if you are doing a middle ages TL, etc.), but to each their own as you said.
Chingo360 said:
i might do the Korean Peninsula tomorrow, maybe South Africa and Southern US as well

With or without rivers? I know you don't like them perse, but they are easy to erase while a bitch to draw in accurately after the map has been made.
Does anyone have:

1. A blank map of the world with these countries/entities outlined:
i. Communist China
ii. Guangi Clique
iii. Japanese possessions in China (including Formosa)
iv. Manchukuo
v. Nationalist China
vi. Shanxi
vii. Sinkiang
viii. Tibet
ix. Xibei San Ma
x. Yunnan

2. A map of China (both blank and annotated) with the above countries/entities from i. to x.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.