2010 US Presidential Election

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Tuesday May 8th 2018

Things we have learnt from the London Mayoral Election
  1. Dominic Eames is becoming the Labour parties narrow loser. Having lost the Party Leadership to Andrea Benn in 2014 by 3.53% on the fourth round of votes having lead after the first two rounds. Even in the Final round Eames of the three group of voting, he carried two of them (MP's & Party Members) it was the affiliated votes that carried it for Benn. Once again Eames carried the second preference votes but it was not enough to reach the 50.01% required for victory.
  2. Nigel Jay, is now the clear front-runner to be the next Conservative leader after next. His decision to fight the Mayoral election instead of staying within the Cabinet was a bold one, but one that has paid off. He said he would not resign as Mayor again before the 2022 election. Richard Samuels if he wins the General Election later this year it has already said he would not fight the following election in 2022/23 and would give time for his successor to settle in. If Samuels loses this year he has already said he would resign the leadership, leaving the field open for Michael Duggan who he beat easily for the leadership in 2015 as the man to beat. Jay has helped to move the party clearly away from the Thatcher/Reed & even Graty years. He can clearly appeal to NPP voters and Liberal Democrats, and even Labour voters not many people can do that.
  3. The opinion polls where broadly right on the first preference votes. The polls predicted almost exactly the first preference voters correctly as did the borough polls, apart from Hounslow which was regarded as likely Eames win, but Jay held on by 174 votes and Tower Hamlets which showed Morgan ahead, but Eames won it by 512 votes.
  4. National Peoples Party and Jonathan Freeman did very well in Barking & Dagenham, the parliamentary seats of Barking and Dagenham are going to be NPP targets at the General Election. On the first preference votes he actually finished in second place with 29.28% of the vote behind Eames 34.94%.
  5. Jackie Morgan and the Socialist Alliance couldn't repeat the 2014 election result. It does seem her attacks on Nigel Jay that he was a "traitor" to the LGBT community by being a Conservative and gay back fired. She also got herself into an awful mess over "flat rate fairs" policy for TFL. Never the less she still polled a strong third place on the first preference votes winning 9.23%
  6. Every vote can count. In such a close election it does matter, I suspect many people who would have voted for Eames on the second preference votes stayed at home on Thursday, and are now regretting it.
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Wednesday May 9th 2018

Polling for the Final Three Republican Presidential Primary Elections

Nebraska (May 15th) 36 Delegates
  1. Gault 75%
  2. Shallick 15%
  3. Durham 10%
Oregon (May 15th) 28 Delegates
  1. Durham 40%
  2. Shallick 38%
  3. Gault 22%
South Dakota (May 29th) 29 Delegates
  1. Shallick 43%
  2. Gault 42%
  3. Durham 15%

Friday May 11th 2018

Gault: "LGBT Community has nothing to fear from me"

Kansas Governor Peter Gault has told the LGBT Community during an interview to broadcast with NBS on Sunday evening that it "has nothing to fear from me" adding the "Liberal Media has been playing identity politics again".

In a wide ranging interview Gault said "I am a Social Conservative, but that doesn't I mean I hate modern America, and some how wish to turn the clock back sixty years". On Gay Marriage he said his view was simple "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman, but I don't want a Federal ban, it is down to each state to decide, as Presient I would not interfere in the states, that goes against my belief in states rights" asked if he was "anti-LGBT" "No, and here is something that has been hardly reported outside the great State of Kansas by the biased Liberal media, last year we in Kansas banned Gay conversion therapy for minors it was passed by the two state houses and signed by me into law, has it been mentioned, of course not it has been easy to paint me as the evil anti-gay candidate, well the more everyone gets to know me the LGBT Community has nothing to fear from me, I support all relationships, and partnership rights for same sex couples, oh and by the way if the American Christian Assembly has a problem with that they can vote for someone else".

Gault also continued on his theme that African Americans had been "let down by the Democrats", "they want the votes, that's all, they have not been listening to the real issues of that community, well I have, I have been listening to concerns on crime, low wages, and drugs, the Democrats have never tried to change anything, they turn up every four years, get the votes and then don't do anything".

"America is changing, it wants change to carry on which was started by President Walken, and I am the man to carry it on, not Governor Shallick and certainly not Senator Seaborn".

You can watch the full interview at 9.PM on Sunday May 13th on the NBS News Channel.
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  • Margaret: Want to hear a joke?
  • Leo: Uh... Okay.
  • Margaret: You know why they only eat one egg for breakfast in France?
  • Leo: Why?
  • Margaret: 'Cause in France, one egg is 'un oeuf'.

Monday May 14th 2018

Shallick throwing everything at Oregon Primary

Governor Henry Shallick has been throwing everything he has at winning the Oregon primary tomorrow. Simply he has to win the states 28 delegates, or he will certainly fall short of the 1,281 required to win (He currently has 1,241 some 40 delegates short). Simply defeat tomorrow, even with a win from the final primary on May 29th in South Dakota would still leave him 11 short.

Although it does seem certain that even if Shallick does win Oregon and South Dakota and reach 1,281 the Convention at Tampa in Florida in July will be contested, as Governor Gault and Congressman Will Durham made it very clear of the weekend that they no plans to withdraw and concede the nomination to Shallick even if he does reach 1,281 delegates.

Shallick is going negative attacking Congressman Durham of "standing for nothing but trying to be all things to all people" whilst adverts attacking Governor Gault claimed "A Gault candidacy would give the keys of the White House to Senator Seaborn in an electoral landslide".

All the polls in Oregon point to a narrow lead for Congressman Durham, but all are well within the margin of error. The other state voting tomorrow is Nebraska which is holding a caucus, but Shallick and Durham have already conceded that race and it's 36 delegates to Governor Gault.
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Monday May 14th 2014

By-elections confirmed for June 14th

Two by-elections will take place on Thursday June 14th in St Albans and Sheffield Central. Both are required due to the seats becoming vacant due to both MP's Nigel Jay (Conservative) and Nick Harris (Labour) winning Mayoral elections in London & Sheffield.

Both are "safe seats" for each defending party, Jay's majority at the 2013 General Election was 10,117 with the Liberal Democrats in second place. Harris majority at the 2013 General Election was 14,484 with the Liberal Democrats like in St Albans in second place.

Parties are currently in the process of selecting candidates to fight both seats. Whoever wins them though will have to fight them again with months at the forthcoming General Election which is required by November.

Monday, May 14th, 2018

Peter Gault makes unannounced visit to San Francisco; makes play for LGBT votes

San Francisco, California-

It was a typical, quiet Monday morning when an unassuming motorcade consisting of 2 SUVs pulled up to the curb alongside Harvey Milk Memorial Plaza. What next occurred seemed to put onlookers into the "Twilight Zone" as Kansas Governor and Republican Presidential Candidate Peter Gault stepped out. Accompanied by a small group of staffers, Governor Gault quietly made his way to the large flagpole that proud flies the Gay Pride flag. Pausing, Governor Gault laid a wreath at it's pass and offered a silent prayer as passer-byers watched in a stunned silence as the long standing member of the ACA gave a moment of silence to one of the heroes of the Gay Rights Movement. after a few minutes, Governor Gault continued his walk about San Francisco's Castro District, introducing himself and speaking with potential voters. While some outright refused to speak with outspoken conservative governor, some chose to speak to him, voicing their concerns about various issues. the Governor then made his way to nearby Corona Heights Park, talking to several same-sex couples, many of whom had children with them.

Within an hour of his arrival, the news media had flooded into the area, as Governor Gault's tour had now become the news of the day. after a few more hours of talking to voters, Governor Gault finally agreed to take questions. Even as groups of protestors shouted at him in the background, Governor Gault remained undeterred, fielding questions from both reporters and voters alike.

Below are selected remarks made by Peter Gault:

"Now, i know you're all wondering why Peter Gault has come here to ask for your vote. after all, you've likely all heard from Senator Seaborn about how much I hate you, and that I'm evil and what not. He's told you all about how I'm going to take away your children, end your marriages, and throw you in jail. Some of you might have even believed that hogwash, not that i can say i blame you. I've certainly said somethings in the past that i deeply regret, and no, it's not just because I'm running for President. But i here to set the record straight, once and for all, and what Peter Gault does and does not stand for"

When asked about his position of Same-Sex Marriage and it's legality and recognition:

"I can assure each and everyone of you here that under a Gault Administration, the right of individual states to recognize a same-sex marriage will be respected. States' Rights is not some arbitrary or ancient amendment that went the way of the dinosaurs. It's the 10th Amendment that gives places like New York, Massachusetts, and California the right to recognize Same-Sex Marriage when the Federal Government does not. Despite what Liberals like Sam Seaborn and Josh Lyman like to tell ya, Washington doesn't always know what's best, and that's if they ever did"

"A Gault Administration will respect and recognize any marriage that is performed legally within United States; plain and simple as that"

On Same-Sex Adoption:

"Well that's an easy one: of course I do. While i was walking through the park today, i can't even begin to tell you how many happy families i came across during my walk in the park today. No one can understate the importance of the work done by orphanages and adoption agencies across this great country. But the fact of the matter is, no matter how well run an orphanage is, it doesn't replace the loving and nurturing environment than is fostered in the home. My wife and I have 6 children together, 2 of them are adopted. We love all of our children all the same. So yes, i do.

On Crime:

"Well let me tell you this, whether you're walking child to and from school, or taking them out to the park to enjoy a beautiful day, or sampling down to the corner ice cream shop, no body should ever live in fear of crime. No one should ever have to live in fear that some criminal who's been through the system 8 times. It's time to admit that the system is broken. Now I'm all for second chances, and in some cases even a third. But when we start talking about 4th, 5th and 6th chances, I'm sorry but I'm out. In Kansas, we've implemented the 3-strike rule: 3 strikes and you're out. it's that simple"

"A Crime is a crime, i doesn't matter who the victim is. a crime is no more heinous if the victim is a minority, nor is it less heinous if it's not. A Crime is a crime, and criminals should all be prosecuted to the full extent of the law"

On Foreign Aid:

"I for one am sick and tired of our hard earned tax dollars going overseas to countries that hate us. Countries who's leaders chant "death to America". Countries that hate you, and want to behead you just for being who you are. It's absurd. I don't know how Sam Seaborn can claim to represent you when he was part of the Democratic Administrations that made these corrupt Defense deals with Qumar, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

While area Democratic Leaders and Liberal Activists were quite to condemn what they called "a thinly veiled attempt to cover up his hateful past", former Vermont Senator Matthew Skinner, himself openly gay, praised the move as a "genuine move by the GOP to extend an oil branch to the LGBT community". The visit was also praised by California native Jennifer Vinick, daughter of former Secretary of State Arnold Vinick who called the trip "surprising, but in a good way". Similar sentiments were issued by Oregon Governor Walter Collins, Senator Curtis Ryan, and Oregon Lieutenant Governor and Democrat, Cliff Connell, who crossed party lines with his brief praise of the Conservative firebrand.

the Governor's Q&A session lasted for a little over an hour as the Governor was quick to dodge any questions as to his own personal views on Same-Sex Marriage, an issue that will likely continue to plague his overtures to more moderate voters. Nevertheless, with victory all but assured in tomorrow's Nebraska Caucus, Governor Gault is hoping for a strong turnout from his supporters in the Oregon Primary.
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Monday, May 14th, 2018

Peter Gault makes unannounced visit to San Francisco; makes play for LGBT votes

San Francisco, California-

It was a typical, quiet Monday morning when an unassuming motorcade consisting of 2 SUVs pulled up to the curb alongside Harvey Milk Memorial Plaza. What next occurred seemed to put onlookers into the "Twilight Zone" as Kansas Governor and Republican Presidential Candidate Peter Gault stepped out. Accompanied by a small group of staffers, Governor Gault quietly made his way to the large flagpole that proud flies the Gay Pride flag. Pausing, Governor Gault laid a wreath at it's pass and offered a silent prayer as passer-byers watched in a stunned silence as the long standing member of the ACA gave a moment of silence to one of the heroes of the Gay Rights Movement. after a few minutes, Governor Gault continued his walk about San Francisco's Castro District, introducing himself and speaking with potential voters. While some outright refused to speak with outspoken conservative governor, some chose to speak to him, voicing their concerns about various issues. the Governor then made his way to nearby Corona Heights Park, talking to several same-sex couples, many of whom had children with them.

Within an hour of his arrival, the news media had flooded into the area, as Governor Gault's tour had now become the news of the day. after a few more hours of talking to voters, Governor Gault finally agreed to take questions. Even as groups of protestors shouted at him in the background, Governor Gault remained undeterred, fielding questions from both reporters and voters alike.

Below are selected remarks made by Peter Gault:

"Now, i know you're all wondering why Peter Gault has come here to ask for your vote. after all, you've likely all heard from Senator Seaborn about how much I hate you, and that I'm evil and what not. He's told you all about how I'm going to take away your children, end your marriages, and throw you in jail. Some of you might have even believed that hogwash, not that i can say i blame you. I've certainly said somethings in the past that i deeply regret, and no, it's not just because I'm running for President. But i here to set the record straight, once and for all, and what Peter Gault does and does not stand for"

When asked about his position of Same-Sex Marriage and it's legality and recognition:

"I can assure each and everyone of you here that under a Gault Administration, the right of individual states to recognize a same-sex marriage will be respected. States' Rights is not some arbitrary or ancient amendment that went the way of the dinosaurs. It's the 10th Amendment that gives places like New York, Massachusetts, and California the right to recognize Same-Sex Marriage when the Federal Government does not. Despite what Liberals like Sam Seaborn and Josh Lyman like to tell ya, Washington doesn't always know what's best, and that's if they ever did"

"A Gault Administration will respect and recognize any marriage that is performed legally within United States; plain and simple as that"

On Same-Sex Adoption:

"Well that's an easy one: of course I do. While i was walking through the park today, i can't even begin to tell you how many happy families i came across during my walk in the park today. No one can understate the importance of the work done by orphanages and adoption agencies across this great country. But the fact of the matter is, no matter how well run an orphanage is, it doesn't replace the loving and nurturing environment than is fostered in the home. My wife and I have 6 children together, 2 of them are adopted. We love all of our children all the same. So yes, i do.

On Crime:

"Well let me tell you this, whether you're walking child to and from school, or taking them out to the park to enjoy a beautiful day, or sampling down to the corner ice cream shop, no body should ever live in fear of crime. No one should ever have to live in fear that some criminal who's been through the system 8 times. It's time to admit that the system is broken. Now I'm all for second chances, and in some cases even a third. But when we start talking about 4th, 5th and 6th chances, I'm sorry but I'm out. In Kansas, we've implemented the 3-strike rule: 3 strikes and you're out. it's that simple"

"A Crime is a crime, i doesn't matter who the victim is. a crime is no more heinous if the victim is a minority, nor is it less heinous if it's not. A Crime is a crime, and criminals should all be prosecuted to the full extent of the law"

On Foreign Aid:

"I for one am sick and tired of our hard earned tax dollars going overseas to countries that hate us. Countries who's leaders chant "death to America". Countries that hate you, and want to behead you just for being who you are. It's absurd. I don't know how Sam Seaborn can claim to represent you when he was part of the Democratic Administrations that made these corrupt Defense deals with Qumar, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

While area Democratic Leaders and Liberal Activists were quite to condemn what they called "a thinly veiled attempt to cover up his hateful past", former Vermont Senator Matthew Skinner, himself openly gay, praised the move as a "genuine move by the GOP to extend an oil branch to the LGBT community". The visit was also praised by California native Jennifer Vinick, daughter of former Secretary of State Arnold Vinick who called the trip "surprising, but in a good way". Similar sentiments were issued by Oregon Governor Walter Collins, Senator Curtis Ryan, and Oregon Lieutenant Governor and Democrat, Cliff Connell, who crossed party lines with his brief praise of the Conservative firebrand.

the Governor's Q&A session lasted for a little over an hour as the Governor was quick to dodge any questions as to his own personal views on Same-Sex Marriage, an issue that will likely continue to plague his overtures to more moderate voters. Nevertheless, with victory all but assured in tomorrow's Nebraska Caucus, Governor Gault is hoping for a strong turnout from his supporters in the Oregon Primary.

I'm flashing back to the final episodes of 2006 when Jed Bartlet brought Santos and Russell to the White House, impressing even the Vinick campaign.

Sheila: "Smart move."
Vinick: "If either of those men had Jed Bartlet's political instincts, I'd be twenty points behind.

Am I the only one who thinks that the absolute worse thing that Sam and the Democrats can do right now is attack Gault for this move. If they attack, they prove his point. If they don't, they hand him a PR victory, yes. But they can isolate him from the others Republicans who don't agree with reaching out to the LGBT community and make him unable to attack their campaign further. Doing nothing wouldn't work either because they'd be pestered with questions about it, like Andrew Thorn's tax returns.

Wednesday May 16th 2018

Breaking News Breaking News

It's deadlocked for the Republican Presidential nomination as Durham beats Shallick in Oregon, helped by late surge for Gault
Landslide win for Gault in Nebraska

It's official, after the results of the two contests yesterday, the Republican's will be heading to the Republican National Convention in Tampa in July without a nominee. Congressman Will Durham beat Governor Henry Shallick in Oregon by just 4,067 votes a margin of 1.12%, a result helped by a late surge for Kansas Governor Peter Gault who took 27.03% of the vote to, Shallick's 35.92% and Durham 37.05%. In Nebraska it was the expected landslide win for Gault winning 78.09% of the vote, with Shallick beating Durham for second place with 13.20% to 8.72%.

Delegate wise Shallick still has 1,241 delegates, Gault 1,098 delegates and Durham 192 delegates. Shallick cannot reach the required 1,281 delegates for the nomination because even if he wins in South Dakota, the final primary on May 29th and it's 29 delegates he would still be 11 delegates short.
Appears that if the scenario which is being painted, you are replicating what occurred in 2006, then as now the Californian, (Vinick then) and Seaborn (currently) are the front Runners, while the incumbent party are confronting a fractious party convention. So Seaborn will lose in the general election, should history repeats itself.
Appears that if the scenario which is being painted, you are replicating what occurred in 2006, then as now the Californian, (Vinick then) and Seaborn (currently) are the front Runners, while the incumbent party are confronting a fractious party convention. So Seaborn will lose in the general election, should history repeats itself.

It's a West Wing fan-timeline. You seriously think Seaborn is going to lose? There would be virtual riots if such an event were to occur.
So if Seaborn loses (as did Clinton in OTL) you would have riots & demonstrations by people who are unable to accept a verdict they don't like in a Democratic process. You know what you call those kind of people? crybabies and sore losers.
So if Seaborn loses (as did Clinton in OTL) you would have riots & demonstrations by people who are unable to accept a verdict they don't like in a Democratic process. You know what you call those kind of people? crybabies and sore losers.
The whole point of a democratic process is that we are allowed to riot and demonstrate.
To quote David Dimberley during the BBC's 1979 General Election night "More Speculation, more speculation" in regards to what might happen, who knows what surprises I and Disputed have in store, I can tell you what is going on with the Republican Primary process has developed during the writing and results process not to any grand plan, and right up until I posted those results Wednesday morning, it nearly changed.
but it seems while it is a Democratic right to riot and demonstrate if things don't go a certain way, seems to be a right that Democrats reserve unto themselves. Whereas if Republican's do likewise, well it's a case of them not honoring the system or the Democratic process. I hope this is not the case, if either Seaborn loses and that his defeat is accepted and not used as a licence for some to exercise "the Democratic right to riot and demonstrate" and equally so if Shallick or whoever emerges as the eventual nominee. But I still maintain that Democrats should not resort to "crybaby or sore loser" tactics if Samuel Norman Seaborn does lose!!!!
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