100 Years: The World Changes

October 17th, 1924: Anton Casimir Dilger (a.k.a. "Doctor Death") is arrested in Washington D.C., on charges of spreading vials of "Red Plague" across the country...

October 28th, 1924: Alexandrine of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Queen of Denmark dies of "Red Plague" in Copenhagen, Denmark...

November 19th, 1924: Artist Walt Disney dies of complications from "Red Plague" in Chicago, Illinois....

January 16th, 1925: King Alfonso XIII of Spain, dies without an heir of "Red Plague" in Madrid, Spain, sparking civil unrest and violence...

February 16th, 1925: The nation mourns as Actress Mary Pickford dies of "Red Plague" in Hollywood, California...

March 5th, 1925: Former Democratic presidential candidate Woodrow Wilson (D-VA) dies of "Red Plague" in Richmond, Virginia....

January 14th, 1926: Prince Maximilian of Baden dies in Berlin, Germany, sparking civil unrest and violence in the territories of Belarus and Ukraine...
November 25th - 15th December 1919: First Battle of Seinäjoki. The Finnish government forces and Mannerheim's rebels (dubbed "the Blues") meet in a first major battle. While the Blue forces are pushed back, the government army under Red Guards commander Ali Aaltonen is not able to break the rebellion by mid-December. As Aaltonen decides to wait for reinforcements from Tampere, both sides settle into defensive positions.

16th-26th January 1920: the Second Battle of Seinäjoki. Aaltonen's new attack dislodges the Blue forces from their positions, and Mannerheim orders a general withdrawal towards Vaasa. While on a recon flight, the pilot of a Red Morane fighter loses control of the aircraft and it crashes into Blue positions, by pure accident hitting Mannerheim's command post. The general is fatally wounded and the withdrawal turns into a rout.

Aaltonen wants to pursue the withdrawing Blues to crush the rebellion, but is ordered by the People's Delegation (ie. the government) to consolidate his gains and hold the advance. By late February, the area controlled by the Blues is again reduced to the perimeters around Vaasa and Oulu.

4th March 1920: The Night of the Bayonets. Hardline Red Guards led by Eino Rahja, Edvard Valpas-Hänninen and Leon Trotsky, frustrated by the timidity of the People's Delegation, stage a coup against the government in Helsinki. Several members of the government murdered, including Kuusinen and Manner. Other delegates and parliament members flee the capital for the relative safety of Tampere.

March-October 1920: The Triumvirate. The trio of "war commissars" take power in Helsinki, condemning the government and People's Parliament members as traitors of the revolution. Most of the troops in the country, though, stay loyal to the rump government, now in Tampere. This group includes Aaltonen's army, just fresh from driving the organized Blue remnants into exile in Sweden. It will move south to support the government, but is delayed because of having to put out local insurrections in the traditionally conservative Pohjanmaa. In Helsinki, the the summer is a time of terror and chaos, "counterrevolutionaries" executed on the streets and bourgeois homes looted.

October 29th 1920: The Fall of the Triumvirate. War Commissar Eino Rahja assassinated by right-wing radical Bobi Sivén in Helsinki, just as Aaltonen's government troops break the Triumvirate lines north of the capital. Valpas-Hänninen caught and executed while Trotsky disappers. The People's Delegation and Parliament return to the ravaged capital.
After this, PLEASE REMEMBER , no more PODS for the 1910s!! If anything, I know we are moving at a rapid pace, but I will slow down if requested...
(insert date here): Prohibition passed in the United States. The bill also subsidizes the growth of Marijuana, as many prohibition leaders advocate it's use to "treat the disease of alcoholic addiction".

(insert date here): Botanist (insert name here) announces the creation of a new "cold tolerant" strain of Marijuana.

(insert date here): Great Marijuana wave begins. (insert number here) farmers have switched over to Marijuana crops, (insert number here) prescriptions for Marijuana given out to by doctors nation wide. Many former bars in New York and Chicago switch over to serving Marijuana.

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Here are the PODs as requested!!!

March 9th, 1922: Prohibition passed in the United States. The bill also subsidizes the growth of Marijuana, as many prohibition leaders advocate it's use to "treat the disease of alcoholic addiction".

April 28th, 1925: Great Marijuana wave begins. c.1,270 farmers have switched over to Marijuana crops, c.10,000 prescriptions for Marijuana given out to by doctors nation wide. Many former bars in New York and Chicago switch over to serving Marijuana.

February 21st 1921: Urho Kekkonen, a young Finnish supporter of the exiled Blues founds himself in Sweden, alone and without a job. After considering his options, he gathers his meager belongings and boards a ship bound for New York.

April 12th 1923: After reports from Finnish expatriots in America, the Finnish Delegation of Agriculture begins trials with a marihuana strain potentially suitable to the local conditions. The goal is a nationalized production in state farms, possibly also for export.
Since I dont think there will be a Hitler, I dont think there will be a Isreal. So I think the worlds problems should form around some Facist Empire in the Balkans, not the Middle East with the Arbabians and Isrealis....
June 6th, 1923: In Berlin, on the day comemmorating the fall of Paris, several reformist and other liberal politicians call for the Kaiser to agree to an electoral reform.
Since I dont think there will be a Hitler, I dont think there will be a Isreal. So I think the worlds problems should form around some Facist Empire in the Balkans, not the Middle East with the Arbabians and Isrealis....

Also since there is no League of Nations, its unlikely there will be United Nations. Interestingly enough Pershing had similar ideas to Wilson regarding internationalism, so the potential is there if Pershing can end the Baja War.
Maybe since weed is legal, Al Capone could have a career in politics since he has something to get buzzed with? He could certainly lead people.
April 10, 1926: Christophe Blanchard, an assistant Political Science Professor at the University of Calais, pens a journal article that describes a hypothetical Quatrième République Française, which called for a unicameral legislature with a prime minister, along with an Emperor. The articles harkens back to the days of Napoleon's and the Roman Republic but some critiques of the proposal say he is reversing the French revolution.

May 22, 1926: Christophe Blanchard receives death threats from communists, and thinks them nothing but talk. On this day however upon returning home he finds the Police and Fire Department around his house. His house was set a flame, and his family killed by Communist sympathsizers. This places in Blanchard a deep hatred of Communists.

January 5, 1928: Blanchard is scheduled to meet with a geneologist and a biologist from Paris. It is at this meeting where is told that he is the descendant of Jesus.

February 4, 1928: The Papal Conclave of 1928 convenes. Excommunicated Cardinal Tridault attempts to attend but he and his delegation are barred from attending. He claims that he has "found our new leader", and that "they shall all receive judgement for their lack of faith". The conclave selects a cardinal with foreign policy experience from Switzerland, and he takes the name Celestine VI

March 12, 1928: Cardinal Tridault addresses his congregation in Paris and announces that the blessed men of Science have found what had once been lost: The heir of Christianity, the direct living descendent of Jesus Christ, Christophe Blanchard.

OOC: Next time I will get Fortescue and Leveque up to 1928
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August 10, 1926: Rudolph Valentino checks himself into a New York hospital with pains in the lower abdomen. He is found to have an inflamed appendix, and is scheduled for surgery. They also work on gastic ulcers. He pulls through, and by the end of Novemeber, he is back in Hollywoood.

What about Kerensky and Lenin?
Maybe since weed is legal, Al Capone could have a career in politics since he has something to get buzzed with? He could certainly lead people.

True, but Organized Crime will still get a big boost from Prohibition.

Although I do get a funny picture in my head of an FBI Untouchable named Alphonse Capone. Hey he could wind up replacing J. Edgar if someone has this Red Scare thing prove to be false.
August 10, 1926: Rudolph Valentino checks himself into a New York hospital with pains in the lower abdomen. He is found to have an inflamed appendix, and is scheduled for surgery. They also work on gastic ulcers. He pulls through, and by the end of Novemeber, he is back in Hollywoood.

What about Kerensky and Lenin?

Lenin is dead.

Kerensky won the Russian Civil War in favor of White Russia. he is killed in 1924 and the leader of Russia is now a triumvirate: Marshal Anton Denikin, Pyotr Wrangel and Admiral Aleskandr Kolchak.
Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis are killed in a series of anarchist bombings in Washington D.C.,....

Now baseball could be integrate much earlier...Landis once he became commissioner was steadfast against any integration in baseball even as many people pushed for it...
September 7th, 1923: A border incedent occurs at the Swedish-Finnish border, Swedish troops fire on Finnish troops, but no one is injured. Tensions rise between the two nations.

October 3rd, 1923: A Finnish terrorist bombs a Swedish town, injuring 3.

November 5th, 1924: Swedish politician Eskil Magnusson calls Finland "Hell with snow" and calls Japanese Emperor Hirohito "A modern hero". The speech becomes extremely popular in Sweden and Norway.
November 7, 1924: French Newspaper Publisher Henri Fortescue reprints Magnuson's "Hell with Snow" Speech. Cardinal Tridault applauds Magnusson's speech and invites him to Paris.

December 12, 1926: Following recent elections Leveque's and his similarly minded colleagues, breakoff and form the Toulouse-Nationalist party. In the elections of 1928. Their agenda is the expulsion of all minorities from France, ending reparation payments, and expansion of the French Colonial Empire.

January 3, 1927: Henri Fortescue, interviews Leon Leveque and his vision for the future of France. "I want the French people to reclaim their rightful place in the world. I want to see the French stretch forth their hand again and influence the world like Napoleon or Caesar did. I want a rebirth of glory!" (Paraphrased from Babylon 5's Londo Mollari)

February 14, 1927: Leveque reads Blanchard's "Quatrième République Française" and is impressed, he asks the man to visit his offices in Toulouse. After the meeting Leveque makes him an unofficial political advisor.

April 14, 1927: Cardinal Tridault officially endorses Leveque and his Toulouse Nationalist Party.

June 22, 1927: The Grey Coats, also known as the Inquistors of the Toulouse Nationalist Party (TNP) membership passes 10,000. They are the paramilitary organization of the TNP.

January 7, 1927: Tridault, Leveque, and Blanchard all meet together for the first time. A political alliance is solidified upon learning that Blanchard has been helping craft Leveque's platform from the start of the (TNP). Tridault's own paramilitary organization is merged with the Grey Coats, forming the Toulouse Inquistion of Faith

March 12, 1928: The last of the Merovingans, Christophe Blanchard, declare Communists to be the "spawn of Satan"

April 29, 1928: With the vitriolic homilies of Tridault, the last of the Merovingans blaming them for attacking his family on orders from Lucifer, Fortescue's yellow journalism, and Leveque's mudslinging politics, the Communists are easily defeated in the election. Leveque is named Prime Minister of France. The elected President of France in this election, Gaston Doumerage, would endure an assault of Yellow Journalism, political blackmail, and religious writs from Blanchard and Tridault.

OOC: And now we have the beginnings of a Fascist France. Christophe Blanchard, one of the worst tyrants of this world's 20th century. Hope I am not going too ASB here, French History isn't my specialty. Anyone know any French aviation engineeers of the 1920s and 1930s?
OOC: And now we have the beginnings of a Fascist France. Christophe Blanchard, one of the worst tyrants of this world's 20th century. Hope I am not going too ASB here, French History isn't my specialty. Anyone know any French aviation engineeers of the 1920s and 1930s?

Nah, you're still within reality. The only problem I'd see is debate over whether this leader really is of Jesus's Descent. Most of the world is going to label him the anti-christ.

So far we're shaping up to have a France-Scandanavia-Japan Axis, it's just a few nations away from being scarier than OTL's Axis.
18th January 1925 - Miguel Primo de Rivera counducts a coup against the Cortes. With the king dead and the succession in confusion, Primo proclaims " a new time without the self interests of politicians." He restores order peacefully.

19th January 1925 - The confusion of the sucession is ended. The rightful King of Spain is Prince Ferdinand of Bavaria he is the 2nd cousin of Alfonso XII

20th January 1925 - Cortes is dissolved.

25th January 1925 - The Mancomunitat of Catalonia is dissolved.

28th January 1925 - The new heir, Ferdinand, comes back from holiday in Italy. He is greeted by Primo de Rivera. Ferdinand takes an instant dislike to the man.

1st Febuary 1925 - The One Spain act is signed by Primo de Rivera, it supresses the Basques, Catalonians and Galicians. All showing of regional flags is banned, the minority languages, cultural activities are surpressed. The military occupied Barcelona, Bilbao, Vitoria, San Sebatian, Tarragona, Gerona, Santiago and A Courna.

23 Febuary 1925 - Alfonso XII's heir is crowned King of Spain, He becomes Ferdiand VIII

24th Febuary 1925 - Ferdinand decides not to sign a document proposed by Primo de Rivera, therefore not making it law.

25th Febuary 1925 - Primo de Rivera make a long speech in which he critises the new king for overstepping his powers and that he should learn his place.

26th Febuary 1925 - There is an assasination attempt on the king. It is foiled and the assassin is captured. Under ' interrogation' the assassin reveals that Primo de Rivera ordered his death and that it should look like the red plague.

27th Febuary 1925 - The assination attempt is made public. Primo trys to make himself look like the victim of a smear attempt, however it fails. The army in Barcelona and other occupied cities is fired on by massive crowds, they fire back killing 3000 people over the cities occupied.

28th Febuary 1925 - Ferdinand calls for Primo to the Escorial. He dismisses him as Prime Minister. Primo leaves, later he addresses the nation on radio saying "the King is a tyrant, paid by corrupt politicans of the Cortes, he shall be removed." Troops from Primo's battalion head to the palace, but the King has already left.
Troops loyal to the king refuse to go to the Palace, they are shot.
The news of the shot troops and the attempted arrest of the King reach the nation. Primo is now seen as a desperate dictator by most troops. They refuse to carry out thier orders. Several generals agree to overthrow Primo.

29th Febuary 1925 - The Spanish army move to arrest Primo. Primo's loyal troops defend him, there are open street battles in Madrid and Barcelona. Primo is later found dead in a coffee house on the Calle de Alcala.

1st April 1925 - Ferdinand XIII returns to Madrid, after the last of the troops loyal to Primo are defeated. He declares the Cortes re-enstated and the self governing bodies of the regions re-enstated. There are mass celebrations on the street.

2nd April 1925 - There are celebrations on the streets of Barcelona as the Mancomunitat is recalled.

25th August 1925 - Elections are called, the Republicans lose badly due the popularity of the King. Conservatives are elected in all provinces, inculding Catalonia and Basque country.

1st October 1925 - Spain gives more self - rule to Catalonia, the Basque Country and Galicia. However this is on the guarentee that these regions are "an intergral part of the un-divisible Spanish state".

3rd April 1926 - A Carlist revolt is put down by Spanish troops. It crushes the Carlist movement forever.

13th April 1931 - In elections, in Spain, the Republicans loose again due to the popularity of the King and the economic sucesses of the Conservative government

OOC: I know we arnt doing the 30's but want that inculded so the 2nd Spanish republic is definatly butterflied away.
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