the union after a confederate victory

  1. What would happen to the Northern Democratic and Republican parties after a Confederate Victory?

    Let's say the war is lost under the Republican's watch along with a financial panic that follows when it becomes clear the Union is going to lose. How could the Republican Party reform themselves to stay viable in elections? With the loss of its Southern base, how would've the Northern...
  2. What would a viable National Union third party look like?

    In my TL, the National Union party ticket is headed by Stephen Douglas (who is alive in my ATL) and another Radical Republican who wishes to continue the war, instead of Lincoln, who didn't get the Republican nomination in 1860. Instead William Seward is the GOP president and runs for reelection...
  3. The Union enacts a second Constitution after a Confederate victory

    How could it get to the point where the Union feels like they need a new Constitution after the South won its independence? The scenario is the Union population votes for a peace candidate in 1864 and the situation is so bad in the Union that the outgoing administration considers a new...
  4. Political party alignment in the Union after Confederate Independence

    Let's say the Republicans are voted out of office in 1864 and the Confederacy gets its independence with a Democrat in office. With the Republicans now being know as the party that lost the South. Where does the Northern section of the Democrats pickup support? The Midwest? New England? The...
  5. List of alternate US Presidents under a Confederate Victory scenario?

    I just need suggestions for US Presidents in my ATL, let me start off this list by saying, Lincoln doesn't run in 1860, instead a deadlocked convention causes them to turn to their old party bearer, John C Frémont. Fremont not having the same political skill that Lincoln had blunders the war and...
  6. Gilded Ages in the USA and the CSA?

    1. How much longer would have the Gilded Age lasted in the Union than in OTL with an independent Confederacy? •I think the rich industrialists would use propaganda of hostility against the Confederacy to distract them from their deeds. But it would've been a matter of time before the veil is...
  7. What Unique/Anti-Cliche events that could happen to the Union in a Confederate Victory scenario?

    What I mean is can you come up with some unique/anti-cliche events that happens to the Union after the South wins its independence throughout the Union's history? •Socialist Uprising? •Military coup? It doesn't really matter whether good or bad, just something original that occurs in the Union...
  8. What would be the newly resurrected Whig Party's platform and positions in my TL?

    I wanna give my scenario first for context. The Confederacy has won its independence, due to George Pendelton winning the election of 1864 on a peace platform. In the North, the Radical wing of the Republicans are bitter of losing the South and frothing at the mouth to go back to war with the...
  9. World Mapping

    Franco-Austrian Alliance after a Confederate victory?

    Hello. I currently have my own Confederate victory timeline in the works. As of now, in regards to alliances and diplomacy, I've been using the typical "USA joins Central Powers" model, likely because my own timeline was inspired heavily by TL-191, and came into being because of my desire to...
  10. World Mapping

    The fate of Alaska in a Confederate victory

    What do y'all recon would be the fate of Alaska in a Confederate victory scenario? I'm considering making some revisions to my own Confederate timeline.
  11. World Mapping

    Philadelphia as the capital of the US after a Confederate victory in the ACW

    Let's say that the Confederates win the American Civil War in the fall of 1862, and postwar, the US gov't relocates to Philadelphia, due to D.C. now being on the border. How does this impact the development of Philadelphia, now the administrative capital of the United States?
  12. World Mapping

    Hawaii in a Confederate Victory Scenario

    Let's say the CSA won its independence in 1862 or whenever. What's the fate of Hawaii? Does it still get annexed to the USA, or does it go British or Confederate?