the american civil war

  1. WI: Johnston keeps his Eastern command, Lee commands in the West

    Let's say events early in the American Civil War happen differently, resulting in Joseph E. Johnston staying out east. Let's also say that Robert E. Lee gets sent to a post in the west, instead of assuming command of the Army of Northern Virginia. How might the course of the Civil War have...
  2. To Live and Die in Dixie-What If the American Civil war never ended?

    1861-1962 Pretty much the same as in our own timeline 19th of November 1863 Lincoln is assassinated By a Pro-Confederate In the following Mouths Washington Dc falls Maryland Falls Soon after by confederate Forces 1863-1865 In The chaos The Confederates Capture New Mexico, Arizona and...
  3. World Mapping

    If the Confederacy won the American Civil War, would there really be a round two, and if so, who would be the winner?

    If the Confederacy won the American Civil War, would there really be a round two, and if so, who would be the winner?
  4. WI: Longstreet killed at the Battle of the Wilderness

    In 1863, Confederate general Stonewall Jackson famously died of wounds sustained in a friendly fire incident at the Battle of Chancellorsville. What's less well known is the fact that James Longstreet nearly suffered the same fate a year later and only four miles away. At the Battle of the...
  5. WI: East Tennessee becomes its own state during the ACW

    While Tennessee joined the Confederacy in 1861 (the last state to officially secede from the Union, in fact), the region of East Tennessee remained a hotbed of pro-Union sentiment and most of the counties in the region voted against secession. What if East Tennessee had managed to become its own...
  6. AHC: Britain intervenes in the ACW on the Union's side

    Your challenge is to have Great Britain become a military ally or at least co-belligerent of the Union during the American Civil War.