
  1. Gigachad3k

    what are the best ways on how to achieve a better-off Mexico?

    There are a multiple ways in which Mexico, which would have had the similar economic potential early in the mid-19th century to early 20th century as Japan, South Korea, Australia, US and Canada, did could have infinitely become better off than the mess it has become in the past 100-plus years...
  2. kasumigenx

    Espanha: a Castillan-Portuguese timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    On December of 1461, Charles, Prince of Viana would recover from a bout of poisoning and would marry Madeleine of France, his former betrothed Catherine of Portugal would be forced to go to a nunnery due to this and the King of Aragon would be a puppet of the French when he rose to the crown in...
  3. How Catalan-speaking, relatively speaking, can Catalonia become?

    In the course of writing an answer at Quora explaining why Catalonia is more bilingual in Catalan and Spanish than Québec is in French and English, I made the point that despite superficial similarities Québec and Catalonia have very different language demographics. Each has a population of...
  4. Sarthak

    Not a very splendid war AHC: Spain Wins!

    Your challenge is to create a suitably plausible PoD or chain of PoDs which could have led to the victory of the Spanish in the American-Spanish War of 1898.
  5. Falangist Spain survives

    An idea I had for quite some time now: What if Falangist Spain survived Francos death? How could this happen, how long could Falangist Spain possibly survive and how would it's ideology develope? What cultural and economic implications would that have for Spain? What comes after the Falange?
  6. WI: What if the alliance between the Dutch and Morrocco happened?

    Around 1600, an envoy from Morocco, Al-Hajari, met with Dutch stadtholder Maurice of Orange. They discussed the possibility of uniting against their common enemy, Spain. Of course, this never happened. Would the combined forces of this alliance be able to deal any significant blow to the Spanish?
  7. Alternate colonial powers during Age of Exploration?

    Considering the trailblazers of the A of E in the OTL, I'd like to explore potential alternative candidates to those we know, and possible consequences of their endeavours. Firstly, the Americas: supposing some crises or series of unfortunate events stalled Spain or Portugal from exploring...
  8. kasumigenx

    WI: Luzon is Portuguese prior to Philip II inheriting Portugal

    Here is the situation in the scenario I am talking about 1517, the Portuguese-Majapahit alliance wins at Daha with Demak defeated. 1520 The Portuguese-Majapahit alliance expels the Bruneians in Selurong[1], a Majapahit Mandala in the North of Borneo. 1521 Magellan lands in Cebu 1522 Portugal...
  9. WI Fernando el Católico was King of Castile on his own right

    IOTL Ferdinand II of Aragon became King of Castile iure uxoris as husband of Isabel of Castile, but as descendant of Juan I of Castile he was himself high in succession line, just behind Isabel and their children. So lets say that following changes happen-la Beltraneja dies as kid, while Isabel...
  10. OxSpace

    AHC: Iberia in the Age of Nationalism

    Hey, I've been searching around the sub but couldn't find anything regarding Iberia during the long nineteenth century regarding Iberian nationalism and what seeds would need to be planted for such a unification to be possible. There was a small movement calling for such unity, but it was just...
  11. Iron_Lord

    What if (here we go): The (newly created) Iberian Union joins the Axis Powers in 1939?

    If the Iberian Union (Spain and Portugal) joined the Rome-Berlin Axis and Invades France from the south during the Battle for France? (I know, this has probably already been done, however I have always wanted to see the Iberian Union come together) (edit: we are not talking about the original...
  12. GauchoBadger

    WI: Spanish Amazon basin?

    With a PoD somewhere between the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 and the Treaty of Madrid in 1750, how can we make it so that Spain, not Portugal, attains control of the Amazon river basin? Think Spanish control over roughly the OTL Brazilian states of Acre, Amazonas, most of Pará, Rondônia and...
  13. GauchoBadger

    WI: No Franco-Spanish alliance in 1796?

    What if Spain never defected from the anti-French coalition around the mid-1790's, and remained an ally of Britain also? Would a second War of the Pyrenees with France be possible in the foreseeable future? What about France's other efforts at expanding in Europe? What would be the effects on...
  14. Count

    Soviet Europe in 1945. What happens to Spain?

    In the unlikely event that the Soviets manage to push all the way to the Atlantic what would happen to Spain? They were a reactionary power with prominent fascists in their administration, which had supported the Axis and sent troops against the Soviets as ‘volunteers’. On the other hand the...
  15. AHC/WI Have Spain win the Spanish-American War.

    Is Spain somehow emerging victorious in the Spanish American War possible? How so? And if they did, what would the consequences be? How long could they hold onto their empire?
  16. Awkwardvulture

    Thriving Pomegranate Seeds: A Trastámara Spain Timeline
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Hello everyone, I've been reading and commenting on this site for a while and I thought I'd give the whole writing thing a try. As you may be able to tell by the title, this will be a timeline about Spain, and the rest of the world. It will start with a POD in 1492, with four major changes for...
  17. AltoRegnant

    DBAHC: Create This Spanish Empire

    Found this massive Spanish Empire- though apparently didn't hold quite all this at once or even under the kingdom of Spain- the Pink was claimed through some dynastic shenanigans and they inherited Portugal somehow as well, but I have no clue about that other stuff all over the place
  18. AltoRegnant

    WI: Miguel De Paz, Prince of Portugal Survives

    There was an attempt in 1498 to unite all Iberia under one personal union into a super Spain, under Miguel Da Paz, heir to Portugal, Castile and Leon, which he would get from Grandpa and Grandma Ferdinand and Isabella. Unfortunately, he died at age two, and the idea of all hispania being united...
  19. Sevarics

    WI: Ferdinand II of Naples survives and has issue with his half-aunt Joanna?

    IOTL, Ferdinand married his half-aunt Joanna, but then died shortly their after without issue. Joanna was the daughter of his grandfather Alfonso, king of Naples and illegitimate son of Alfonso V of Aragon, and his second wife Joanna, daughter of John, king of Aragon and younger brother to...
  20. ThecrownPrince

    Dios Salve Al Rey: A Wittlesbach Spain timeline
    Threadmarks: prologue

    Hey guys this is my first attempt at a timeline where I’ve actually planned stuff out and have an idea about where it’s going to go. While it has nothing thing to do with it, reading @Antonio the Komnenoi timeline Empire of Freedom has been a huge inspiration to do this and just wanted give a...