southern california

  1. Hydra1234

    AHC: San Diego becomes the center of Southern California

    So OTL, Los Angeles became the center of Southern California, becoming the second largest city in the US by economic output and population. While San Diego has carved out its own niche in the defense industry and technology centers, it is definitely the junior city compared to Los Angeles. So...
  2. The_Russian

    WI: California's Pico Act

    In 1859 the California legislature voted to pass the Pico Act which would have divided the state by taking the southern portion of the state, and making it a new territory with the name "Colorado." It made it to the US senate but was ignored because of the tensions between the slave and free...
  3. WI: The Pico Act passes, California is split during the Civil War

    This is a scenario I would like to explore after watching Alternate History Hub's video on the subject. The summery is that before the American Civil war a bill to divide most of Southern California into the new "Territory of Colorado" almost passed but was ignored due to the secession crisis...
  4. Planita13

    A Shining Valley - The Great Desert Lake in California
    Threadmarks: Main Page

    by Planita The Republic of California in 2019 This thread would be depository for the various maps, wikipages, wikiboxes, and graphics for my Gran Lago timeline. Yes this will work like @Kanan's excellent TL on this forum too. For a bit of backstory. So there is a region called the Salton...