secret society

  1. The Bavarian Illuminati launch a coup/Enlightenment Revolution in 18th century - Bavarian "French" Revolution

    Despite the portrayal of the "Illuminati" in modern popular culture, they were indeed a real secret society during the Enlightenment era. Their aim was to counter superstition, obscurantism, the influence of religion (especially that of the Jesuits), and the abuses of power. These progressive...
  2. Born in the USSA

    AHC: More durable Anti-Masonic Party?

    So my challenge is: create a scenario where the Anti-Masonic Party comes into existence in 1828 (the OTL founding year) and lasts (either in the first or second iteration) at least until 1900 where the stronger party either: survives into the twentieth century as a major player in a duopoly or...
  3. GameBawesome

    AHC: Create a Fictional Secret Society or Crime Syndicate
    Threadmarks: American Loyalist Society "American Redcoats"

    (Disclaimer: I do not support any form of terrorism, nor any conspiracy theories) There have been a lot of secret societies in history, that used paramilitary, were religious or ideological, or was subject of conspiracy theories. Examples includes the Sons of Liberty, Fenian Brotherhood...
  4. How many secret societies are there in the US and the world today?.

    I know that Sweden has most secret societies in europe, but i would very much like to know an estimate of how many there are in total in the world and if possible get an estimate also on how many members they have together in total. In Social Movement Malaysia av Saliha Hassan they write...