second french republic

  1. EasternRomanEmpire

    WI: The Second French Republic survives

    What if Napoleon III didn't do a self-coup and elections are held in 1952? Would this republic be more stable than the Third French Republic? Could Nap III be influential in the politics of this France? Would the Crimean War still happen? How do Franco-British relations continue? Will Bismarck...
  2. SunZi

    AHC: Have the July Revolution Result in a Second French Republic (2.0)

    It is a pity that this post has not received any response as the questions asked are interesting. So I allow myself to revive this thread, hoping that it will be seen by others. At the moment I'm thinking about how Louis Philippe d'Orléans could have kept Henry V on the French throne, but...
  3. Napoleon III is killed by Orsini

    In 1858 Italian Felice Orsini attempted to kill Napoleon III,according to him a republican revolution would break out that would expand to other countries including Italy.What would happen if he succeeds in killing emperor?I think republican revolution would not happen,in fact this would lead to...
  4. WI: The Deputies Do Their Diligence?

    Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, nephew and step grandson of Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, served as the first President of France, and was the only president elected in the second republic, because he would goon to abolish it in favor of a second empire. Suppose though that either the 1849...
  5. Basileus_Komnenos

    AHC: Have the July Revolution Result in a Second French Republic

    What would it take for the July Revolution in Franch which in otl saw the Semi-Constitutional Bourbon Monarchy replaced with the Liberal Orleans Monarchy, to result in a Second Republic being proclaimed? I think in otl Louis-Philippe almost didn't take the Crown as he was named as regent by...
  6. galileo-034

    Second French Republic wikiboxes

    A like just reminded me of a thread on Napoléon III dying before 1848 and the consequences. I just decided to do some wikiboxes to explore this ATL, but I don't...