second bulgarian empire

  1. Bulgaria WI: could Ivaylo succeed? Ivaylo was a Bulgarian peasant who rose up against the rule of tsar Constantine Tikh, whose reign saw the loss of territory to various foreign adversaries. Ivaylo quickly gathered followers to his cause, and within a year or so of launching his...
  2. What if the Uprising of Asen and Peter never happened?

    Issac II deals with Asen and Peter with a bit more tact and the second Bulgarian Empire never forms. What would be the effects on the 4th crusade and the years following it? What would a rump state in the region of Bulgaria look like?
  3. AltoRegnant

    DBWI: Screw Bulgaria

    Otl, Bulgaria has been a major power since the 1300s, conquering Greece from the Eastern Roman Empire and much of the Balkans surrounding it. Their rivalry with the Ottomans is probably eclipsed only by Britain and France- the Bolgar/Turkish rivalry and the decline of Tsargrad being half the...
  4. WI: Isaac II Angelos killed at the Battle of Tryavna

    The Battle of Tryavna in 1190 was something that I randomly came across recently. Apparently, it was quite a blow to the Byzantines and a morale booster for the ascendant Second Bulgarian Empire. The Bulgarians managed to capture the golden helmet of the Byzantine emperors, the crown, and the...