scientific revolution

  1. Flavius Iulius Maiorianus

    AHC: Electrical civilization w/o steam power

    I was thinking about the industrial revolution and the technologies that resulted, and I was wondering: Would it be possible to have a civilization invent electricity generation before they invented a steam engine? If so, how far could they advance? Would it be possible to generate electicity...
  2. Highest tech level possible without industrial revolution?

    The question is in the title really. We live in an era of fast change, where exponential growth is the norm, where each new day brings massive new discoveries and advancements in science and industry. As I understand it, this is because of the industrial and scientific revolutions right? This...
  3. How early could there be a Scientific Revolution?

    The Scientific Revolution of the early modern period transformed the way the West thought about the natural world. How early could something similar have happened?