
  1. Bomster

    WI: Nixon stopped on the first ballot at the 1968 RNC?

    Despite having lost the presidential election as the Republican candidate in 1960, Richard Nixon was perfectly positioned to win the nomination again in 1968 because he had high name recognition and was able to unite the Republican Party, whereas his main competitors, Nelson Rockefeller and...
  2. PC: Nelson Rockefeller Beats LBJ In 1964?

    Preventing Nelson Rockefeller from divorcing his first wife and subsequently marrying his second in quick succession is a sufficient POD for keeping his presidential aspirations alive. While there are doubts as to whether Rockefeller could actually win the GOP nomination in 1964, we will assume...
  3. WI: John D. Rockefeller dies in the Angola Horror

    In 1867, John D. Rockefeller missed a train. This was to his benefit, since the car he would've been in fell off a bridge and caught fire, killing all but two of the passengers inside in an event known as the Angola Horror due to happening near Angola, New York. What if Rockefeller had caught...
  4. PC/WI: A Marxist Rockfeller

    I was reading the Rockfeller J.R page on Wikipedia (don’t ask me why) and there says that In 1897, he graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, after taking nearly a dozen courses in the social sciences, including a study of Karl Marx's Das Kapital. He joined the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity...
  5. Was there any struggles between federalist, farmers and others in the democratic party in the 1870s like in the Republican party in 1850s?

    Niek Koning writes that In the late 1850s, many farmers joined the new Republican party, which promised free soil and the exclusion of slavery from the new terriories. After the victory of the Union, however, the new party revealed itself as a tool of northeastern business interests, imposing...
  6. Was there any struggles between federalist, farmers and others in the democratic party in the 1870s like in the Republican party in 1850s?

    Niek Koning writes that In the late 1850s, many farmers joined the new Republican party, which promised free soil and the exclusion of slavery from the new terriories. After the victory of the Union, however, the new party revealed itself as a tool of northeastern business interests, imposing...
  7. Electric Monk

    No Pew Brothers? (Think Koch Bros, but mid-century)

    With the caveat that there were plenty doing similar work, what does the removal of the Pew Brothers change in the Republican Party and America? It’s a ton of money and organization applied during key times to shift the Republican Party that’s now gone… you’ve got Goldwater and the religious...
  8. WI: Goldwater Doesn't Run in 1964

    Goldwater was reluctant to run in 1964, but conservatives convinced him to enter the race. While Goldwater upset Rockefeller in the primaries, he lost to LBJ in a landslide. Still, Goldwater's candidacy laid the groundwork for the modern GOP. What might've happened had Goldwater not run in 1964?
  9. Vidal

    Passkey Down: President Ford is Dead
    Threadmarks: Book I, Chapter I

    Book I - America in Waiting: The Remainder of Nixon's Term Chapter I In the Wake of Fromme's Bullet Lynette Fromme, better known as “Squeaky,” was ready to go down in history as the first woman to assassinate a president. Fromme was concerned about environmental issues and believed that the...
  10. Nightingale

    If Nelson Rockefeller became President in 1960, who will he appoint to SCOTUS?

    As the title says, had Rockefeller, whose chances in 1960 were shaky, won the nomination and won, who would he appoint to SCOTUS? Will they be liberals, moderates or conservatives? P.S. Let's say no Happy Scandal and a good economy by 1964 so he does get two terms.
  11. Sasalele

    WI: RFK sits out '68, Nixon assassinated instead.

    What if RFK had decided to sit out of the Presidential Race in 1968, and Nixon is assassinated by a radical leftist after winning the Illinois Primary (i.e. think the Weathermen.)? Will it be Rockefeller or Reagan who gets the nomination? Or will it be a compromise candidate? Who would they...