party system

  1. Born in the USSA

    AHC: Create an exotic party system
    Threadmarks: The Challenge

    So the challenge, inspired by these two excellent examples (all credit to @Wolfram and @TheNixonator , respectively), is to create an alternate political party system for a country using obscure, defunct or marginal political parties or factions that existed in that country historically...
  2. WotanArgead

    Voting: Victory of the USSR in the Cold War - American Party System

    I'm thinking over the fate of the United States in a world where the USSR won the Cold War. I came to the conclusion that the option was broken by the US, or the coming to power of the Communists is less likely there than the rejection of expansion and the dissolution of NATO. In other words...
  3. What ideologies would these parties have based on their position? Proposals?

    (sorry if this thread is in the wrong forum.) Hello, as I mentioned in other posts I did. I'm doing an alternative story. In the AH there are 4 political parties: Federalist, Republican, Democratic, Progressive. I just want to make corrections in their ideologies. Because I did not know what...