
  1. Bomster

    WI: Umar ibn Hafsun defeats the Umayyads - Mozarab/Muladí Al-Andalus

    One of my favorite historical subjects to research is Al-Andalus, the Muslim-ruled realms of the Iberian peninsula that existed between the 8th and 15th centuries. A land where East met West, Al-Andalus represented a rare example of Islamic Arab rule of Western European territory, resulting in...
  2. TheWitheredStriker

    A Mozarabic/Romance Granada?

    I find the Emirate of Granada to be a fairly interesting state. It was the final remaining rump of the once-so-might al-Andalus, but that didn't make it a backwater by any means. Granada was economically prosperous and culturally vibrant, and Muslims, Christians, and Jews seemingly lived...
  3. kasumigenx

    Have Pyreno-Mozarabic languages or Aragonese, Navarrese and Mozarabic langauges thrive

    How could we have Aragonese, Navarrese and Mozarabic survive and thrive as languages?
  4. AHC - Maghrebi Romance

    The challenge is to establish a Maghrebi Romance language (ideally with Mozarabic, African Romance or even Sardinian and Maltese influences though not essential) in North Africa and have it gradually supplant Maghrebi Arabic.