french indochina

  1. Korea,Indochina under Nationalist China

    In Cairo Conference during WWII the Americans, not wanting the French to return to Indochina, had offered Chiang entire control of French Indochina, but he deliberately withheld his soldiers from occupying Vietnam since he was going to use them to fight the communists inside China. The was...
  2. Axis victory:Imperial federation

    Axis win WW2 Nazis conquer or puppetize Mainland Europe, Middle east, Central Asia, Africa and Japan puppetize China, Mongolia, Russian Far east due to US absolute neutrality i.e., no lend lease, no embargo. India,Oceania,French IndoChina and Dutch East Indies develop a siege mentality and join...
  3. Crazymachines

    fate of indochinese independance without japanese occupation.

    how would the independance movement in indochina have changed without the japanese occupation and expulsion of the french ? would the rebellion of the viet minh still have occured? and if the viet minh did still rebel, would it be as powerful and successful as OTL?
  4. Aurantiacis

    Biggest French Indochina Possible

    Which sorts of events could have the French rule over Indochina annex lands way beyond OTL territory, like Southern Chinese states, Burma, The Indonesian Archipelago or even the Ryukyu Islands?
  5. AHC: Failed Tonkin Campaign (1883-86)

    With no PoDs prior to 1882, how can French power in Southeast Asia be as curbed as possible, preferably by means of military and/or diplomatic defeats? And, of course, what would be the effects? For example, if France is defeated in the Sino-French War, could that lead either France or Russia...