fiorello la guardia

  1. The Ruins of an American Party System, Part Two: Collision

    Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. -Galatians 6:7 Presenting the sequel to The Ruins of An American Party System, Part One: Implosion, winner of the 2015 Turtledove for Best New Early 20th Century Timeline: The Ruins of An American Party...
  2. The Ruins of an American Party System, Part One: Implosion

    So, this is the revised version of my timeline, The Ruins of an American Party System, with Part One being now subtitled “Implosion”. This thread is for the revisions, please DO NOT COMMENT HERE, all comments about the original timeline or about the revisions can be posted in the the original...