extinct species

  1. GameBawesome

    Animals you wished didn’t go extinct (due to human contact)

    In history, there a lot of extinct animals that died human contact. Things such as over-hunting, pollution, and construction. So, if you had to pick some extinct animals/species you wished survived, which ones would it be One rule: 1. Extinct animals had to go extinct because human activity...
  2. DBWI: The Aurochs goes extinct

    I recently got back from a trip to Poland. Lovely country. Saw a lot of the famous places: Krakow Old Town, Muskau Park, and Białowieża Forest. While I was in Białowieża Forest, I saw an Aurochs up close. Seeing one in the flesh reminded me that they'd almost gone extinct once upon a time. But...
  3. Aloha

    Rocky Mountain Locust doesn't go extinct

    The Rocky Mountain locust (Melanoplus spretus) was a species of locust that ranged through the western half of the United States and some western portions of Canada until the end of the 19th century. It was a massive pest, and one swarm was estimated to be as long as 198,000 square miles...
  4. Bobbbcat2

    WI: North American camels (camelops) survive?

    What if the https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camelops survived extinction? Would Native Americans domesticate this animal? How would the European colonisation of the Americas be affected?
  5. What if the Megafauna Extinction didn't occur in the Americas?

    I pretty sure this idea may have been proposed, but what if the Megafauna Extinction at the end of the Ice Age didn't occur? This means North America would be populated by various mammoth, tapir, rhino, and big cat species. And more importantly for natives that came to America: peccaries, horses...
  6. Alternative Domesticated Species

    I'm just really curious on what animal species could have been domesticated, but weren't. Some of these can include the extinct (moa, thylacine, diprotodons, etc) and living animals (elephants, tapirs, etc). I don't know how many species of animals could be domesticatable or could have been...
  7. What if humans never caused any extinction yet they still rule the world?

    This scenarios is more for fun. I just want to see what scenarios you guys came up with. Let's just say that somehow, humans don't cause any extinctions in any species of animals or plants (even plausible ones like mammoths and ground sloths, for example). What would happen if all of these...
  8. Petike

    Australian marsupials that could have evolved into domesticable horse-like animals ?

    Since I am reading Jared's Lands of Red and Gold again and I was thinking about native transport and distances in that TL, a simple thought had suddenly occured to me : WI, in an ATL, some marsupial species had evolved into a sufficiently horse-like or camelid-like creature ? Simply put, into...