economic pod

  1. Carp

    WI: The Rock of Tolfa... and the Alunite Crusade?

    This is not the beginning of a timeline, but I've always found this to be an interesting potential POD and I thought I'd see what you might make of it. And hey, who doesn't like a little economic history? ***** This is Alunite. As it happens, there is a lot of it in the hills around Tolfa...
  2. Maponus

    AHC Plausibility Check Hybrid Thing: Manufacturing an Economic Crisis to Order

    So I bumping around an idea for a timeline in the late 60's and 70's, and in order for the political changes I want to be plausible I need there to be a major crisis of capitalism as bad as if not worse than the Great Depression and the recent Global Recession, but I don't really know much about...
  3. Petike

    SAAB Automobile AB not sold to General Motors in the 1980s - Outcomes ?

    Those of you who know a thing or two about European and Swedish car brands will know that SAAB's history changed quite a bit after it was acquired by General Motors in the late 1980s. General Motors has been blamed, especially since the late 1990s or so, of not managing this overseas brand all...