
  1. Count of Crisco

    The Great Game: Napoleonic France without Napoleon: Supplemental TL for a naval game.

    Hello, this timeline is sort of an auxiliary to a naval building game myself and @Virginia Liberal will be running over the coming months which puts players in charge of one of several navies of the nations in this alternate timeline. The game begins in 1890, but as we have developed a...
  2. GameBawesome

    Discussion: Which Southern States could've remained loyal to the Union?

    As we know, when President Lincoln won the election of 1860, seven states seceded from the United States of America before Lincoln's inauguration, forming the Confederate States of America, and then when fighting commenced, four more Southern States seceded and joined the CSA as well. There also...
  3. World Mapping

    Cliches and unrealistic things to avoid in my Confederate victory scenario.

    Hello, y'all. I have a Confederate victory timeline in the works (the map of which c. 1914 can be seen below). What are some cliches, unrealism, and other things I should avoid?
  4. What extra rights would an autonomous Texas state be granted under an independent Confederacy?

    The Confederate Constitution guaranteed some rights to its states that they didn't have in the Union Constitution, for example. 1. Impeach their own states’ national government representatives as well as national judges appointed to their states’ courts; 2. Initiate treaties with other...
  5. Taunay

    Confederates win the Civil War in 1863. Effects in Latin America

    The Confederacy ITTL wins the American Civil War in the year of 1863. More specifically, they win Gettysburg followed by many more decisive victories that force Lincoln to surrender by September 1863. How would a victory of the Confederate States affect the Latin American region?
  6. World Mapping

    The fate of Alaska in a Confederate victory

    What do y'all recon would be the fate of Alaska in a Confederate victory scenario? I'm considering making some revisions to my own Confederate timeline.
  7. What if the Confederacy lost the Battle of Bull Run?

    So I'm writing a short story, and an important part of it is the Battle of Bull Run... Also, Robert E. Lee decided to fight for the Union instead of the South. What if the Confederacy lost the Battle of Bull Run? How do they lose? And how does this affect the Confederacy moving on? Would it...
  8. World Mapping

    DBWI: The US wins the War Between the States and remains united, but Prussia fails to bring the southern German states into the fold?

    How about we reverse the fates of Germany and America: What if the Union had decisively defeated Confederate forces at Antietam in September 1862 (maybe Order 191 gets lost or something), and eventually won the War Between the States, while Prussia failed to bring the South German States into...
  9. Thundercalf101

    What would the Political Parties of the Confederacy look like? Would they even form?

    The people of the Confederacy saw political parties as an evil Yankee thing, so they never formed in its short existence. The south was pretty politically unified on most issues at the time, so I was wondering what Political Parties formed could be like. I feel like the biggest issue would be...
  10. World Mapping

    TL-191: The fate of Britain post-SGW

    What do y'all recon would be the fate of Britain post-SGW, having lost another war to the CP's, and got 3 cities nuked?
  11. Britain and France side with the confederacy

    What if Britain and France intervened in the U.S civil war on the side of the confederates. I think this would most likely mean the confederates win the war and become independent. Also without U.S pressure forcing the French to withdraw from Mexico, Maximilian most likely defeats Benito Juarez...
  12. ComradeLenin22

    The Rising Sun State

    (I in no way support neo-confederacy or anything of the sort, just had an interesting idea) The Rising Sun State Alternate History of the State of Arizona The point of divergence begins after the end of the American Civil War in 1865. After the war ended many former Confederates moved west to...
  13. GameBawesome

    Entertainment in a Confederate Victory

    This is seems like a minor idea, but I’m curious about. In a POD where the Confederate States of America won independence around 1862, with international recognition from Britain and France, and war-wariness from Copperheads and Civilians of the North. In the post war borders, the CSA gains...
  14. Realistic effects of a Confederate victory in late 1862 on the rump USA?

    Let's say that Special Order 191 never falls out of that Confederate scout's pocket, and the Confederates win at Antietam, and occupy Baltimore, threatening D.C. Afterward, Britain and France force the USA on the pain of war to recognize Confederate independence, and the USA concedes. What...
  15. Just a Turteldove Fan

    How the war was won in the west
    Threadmarks: Introduction.

    Well, you are welcome to my new thread. (I hope this is finally the one I can finish). I have done my research for this first chapter and I have checked numerous sites. Such as the American battlefield trust, Britannica and Wikipedia. I have also checked numerous books about the civil war. So I...
  16. The_Russian

    Capitals of the Union and Confederacy

    What would be the fate of the capital of the Confederate and Union capitols be if the Confederates won the Civil War? Would the Confederacy follow the Union's example of establishing a new capital that isn't in any state such as Washington D.C. was the case for the Union, would it stay in...
  17. Just a Turteldove Fan

    A war of blood, sweat and tears
    Threadmarks: Chapter I

    Chapter I: The 17th of December of 1860 the fate of a nation was decided. That same day an extraordinary convention happened in the state of South Carolina. The representatives were all secessionist that wished to start a secession of the United States of America. Their fears were mostly that...
  18. Vylon Disigma

    Question about Slavery in Confederate Colonies?

    If the Confederacy achieved separation from the United States, either by avoiding or winning the civil war, what would be the character of slavery in any colonies it would have? I strongly suspect that Slavery as an institution will not last forever, even in an independent confederacy, but I...
  19. GameBawesome

    The American Crisis of the 19th Century

    (Based off two things, 1) This thread I made, 2) A post I made in this thread. This is an idea where America collapse during the civil war, and the PODS) What if, through 1861 to 1865, there were multiply uprisings in both the Union and the Confederacy? The Uprisings in the North are sponsored...
  20. Mexican backed Black South

    Say that just after winning the civil war (only requirement on how being whatever was realistically possible), the CSA forgets that they just barely won and almost immediately invades Mexico. Despite a surprisingly successful initial blitzkrieg, emperor Maximilian is overthrown in a republican...