colonial era

  1. PachPachis

    WI: Government of India Act 1935 introduced in 1919

    I can't remember where I heard it, but I remember hearing somewhere that the 1935 self-government act given to India by Britain would have sated the nationalists in 1919, while the self-government act they got then was too feeble; but in 1935 they wanted essentially independence. In OTL, of...
  2. Oba Cahokia

    WI: The 3rd French Republic exiled in West and Central Africa after losing WW1 and Socialist Revolution?

    Who would take or control France's other territories and colonies? How are the Native Africans treated in this exile republic? Will the government collapse? What is France's relationship with the homeland? What is their relationship with the rest Europe? What is the political landscape in the...
  3. Oba Cahokia

    How different would the Scramble for Africa be if the Boer Republics, Madagascar and the Ashanti remained independent?

    I came up with this idea for my TL I'm trying to piece together and thought it would be cool to how different things would if a few African States stayed independent besides just two countries. For the Boer Republics I'm obviously referring to Transvaal and the Orange Free State, Madagascar is...
  4. Sarthak

    Wolfborn: A Native American Timeline
    Threadmarks: OP

    Wolfborn A Native American Timeline I am the wolfborn, the spirit of history, the core of today, and the heart of tomorrow. I am wolfborn of this land. - Old Sioux Poem. Welcome to Wolfborn: A Native American Timeline! Where Natives are given the due focus they deserve with a chance to...
  5. WI: British Mediterranean Empire?

    What if Britain had formed a Mediterranean Empire as close to the borders of the Roman Empire or Ottoman Empire as possible? Or even the Macedonian Empire. Britain already had bases such as Gibraltar, Malta, Cyprus, and once had Minorca. Ionian Islands were also a protectorate. Egypt...
  6. Kerguelen

    WI: No Boers, Stronger Khoisan

    Many of us are familiar with the Boers, the Dutch-speaking people of the Cape Frontier and modern-day South Africa. The origin of these people begins with a group of castaways when a Dutch East India Company ship was stranded in what would become Cape Town, forcing the crew to forage off the...