
  1. Zor

    Inca Cavalry: a quick image

    A quick one-shot image you guys might like... --- Zor
  2. Rorke


    I goofed up, I should have posted this in before 1900
  3. JEF_300

    Ivan Kolev Survives

    This video from The Great War is a great introduction to this man, if you don't know of him. And his Wikipedia page: He died on 29 of July 1915, in Vienna while being treated for tuberculosis (according to the Great War; Wikipedia just said...
  4. AH Analysis: The Mamluks of the Abbasid Caliphate,(brief)

    To begin with a short disclaimer, the origins of the Mamluk or Ghilman soldiers that would come to dominate the Islamic world, is shrouded in some ambiguity. In a similar mode to crucifixion in the Roman world, chroniclers often neglect to describe certain intricacies that are interesting to the...
  5. The Camelry Has Arrived

    This is a series of maps of Old World empires: And now look at the pre-Columbian New World empires: We're not 100% sure why Old World empires were so huge and New World empires so small, but a good guess is that the Old World took advantage of a mammal called Equus ferus--the horse...
  6. ChaoticBrilliance

    When/how exactly did cavalry die out?

    In books talking about the development of armor as a replacement for horse driven cavalry post-WW1, they never specify when horse cavalry was fully phased out of militarized, especially in Europe. One can assume by a certain time period everything will be fully mechanized, but what if you are...
  7. Sersor

    WI: the invention of paired stirrups in 250 BC(Hellenistic world). Effects in Military?

    Prologue: It seems like such a simple idea. Why not add two pieces to the saddle, hanging down on either side, for your feet to rest in while you ride a horse? After all, humans seem to have domesticated the horse around 4500 BCE. The saddle was invented at least as early as 800 BCE, yet the...
  8. Petike

    Australian marsupials that could have evolved into domesticable horse-like animals ?

    Since I am reading Jared's Lands of Red and Gold again and I was thinking about native transport and distances in that TL, a simple thought had suddenly occured to me : WI, in an ATL, some marsupial species had evolved into a sufficiently horse-like or camelid-like creature ? Simply put, into...