business plot

  1. TheDoofusUser

    1920s Business Plot led by Pershing/Wood, is it possible?

    I think we all know the story of the infamous Business Plot, how, during the Depression and New Deal Era under FDR, a group of Businessmen approached the respected General Smedley Butler and asked for him to lead a coup d'etat against the President and become Dictator in the country. While the...
  2. A Second American Civil War in the 1930s

    1932: The Democrats nominate an uber-conservative(Ritchie?) who proceeds to combat the Great Depression using spending cuts and tax hikes. Needless to say, this is a disaster and the midterms are a bloodbath. 1936: Yet, similarly to Hoover, Ritchie is re-nominated through patronage and a...
  3. TheDoofusUser

    The Business Plot under a President Huey Long

    As we all know, the Business Plot was a speculative idea of business leaders approaching General Smedley Butler to coup the United States Government against FDR. However, there are several inconsistencies with Butler's account, including why in the world would business leaders would go for...
  4. BlackentheBorg

    TLIAW: Tear Out A Man's Tongue

    "...When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government..." - extract from the Declaration of Independence As the new decade dawns, America is...
  5. Caesar_33

    Could a fascistic Butler and the American Legion overthrow the U.S?

    If Butler stayed Republican, but decided to distance himself from Hoover after what happened with the Bonus Army and allied himself with the American Legion and Wall Street businessmen, could he have a chance of leading a coup that makes him a dictator?