austria hungary alternative history

  1. Proposed WW1 war aims/wargoals mapped out by me

    Hello there Mapnerds, This thread is for the discussion of my maps and the underlying information/people it involves. Essentially what I do is I go into online archives and read WW1 proposals made by Germans and map them out for your enjoyment and information. The people I include range from...
  2. Survival for Austria-Hungary?

    Hey everyone, I wanted to know if you have any ideas to help me with an alternative history project I have in mind and have already written some things about. I plan to create a scenario where World War I ends in a stalemate around early 1916 (but I'm open to other dates as well). My main goal...
  3. Oba Cahokia

    How would the Ottomans and Austria Hungary collapse after WW1 in a Central Powers Victory?

    What would be the countries they split into, how much longer will they last before falling apart, what would the borders look like, What impact would this have on the rest of the world?
  4. Austria Hungary in cold war

    After World War 2 a neutral zone is established called the Austria Hungary zone. From Graz to Gyor to Bratislava and a small part of Slovenia this zone is later turned into a neutral Republic. It was vey unstable, Yugoslavia, Hungary ,Austria and Slovenia hated it. Its capital city was in...
  5. DCPritt

    The Eagles Heads Bow

    CHAPTER ONE APPOINTMENT IN SARAJEVO The cars of the Austrian Imperial party arrived at the City Hall for a reception in Sarajevo. As soon as the imperial personages arrived, Mayor Fehim Curčić of Sarajevo was prepared to make a speech welcoming the imperial party. But just as soon as he began...