
  1. Living on Ma’at: An Atenist Egypt TL
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    You arise beautiful from the horizon on heaven, living disk, origin of light. You are arisen from the horizon, you fill every land with your beauty. You are fine, great, radiant, lofty over and above every land. Your rays bind the lands to the limit of all you have made, you are the sun, you...
  2. carturo222

    Akhenaton timelines

    Are there any timelines already created about a scenario where Egyptian monotheism prevailed?
  3. Question on Pharaoh Akhenaten's impact

    -Let's say a personality change means he doesn't attempt to reform Egyptian religion -Or his elder brother Thutmose doesn't die and becomes Pharaoh. -How much of subsequent history changes? -Did this rupture with Egyptian religion affect the pharaoh's standing in the long run in the eyes of...
  4. AHC: Atenism regains its popularity

    Your challenge is to have Atenism experience a revival at some point after its decline. It doesn't necessarily have to become the state religion again, it just has to have a significant following.