american civil war

  1. If Practicable: The Confederacy wins at Gettysburg.
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    I just wanted to say before I get started that I know Gettysburg is one of the most common pod's for a Confederate victory TL so I acknowledge a certain lack of originality. But rest assured I mean to make the rest of the story as engaging as I can. With that out of the way, let's get to it...
  2. Onedotman

    1864: Our United States of America
    Threadmarks: Chapter One: The Choice of the Nation

    For the past three years, the United States of America has been embroiled in its most serious sectional crisis to date - the Civil War. Such a war has turned state against state, brother against brother, father against son. Abraham Lincoln - the nation's leader - has proven to be a leader...
  3. AHC: Prolong & Complicate the American Civil War

    Okay, so we have another America scenario today Our basic goal is twofold: Make the American Civil War last longer Get more factions involved, either by creating splinter factions or by foreign intervention How do we accomplish this?
  4. AlfLandonFan

    Did Robert E. Lee have any interest in politics? Would he have ran to become President of an independent CSA?

    An idea I've seen floated around by some CSA Victory tls is that Robert E. Lee eventually becomes President. No doubt he could do it, I mean Confederate Victory kinda relies on him, but would he even want to run? If he does run, how would a Lee Presidency go? Lee personally opposed slavery, but...
  5. How long would the Confederacy survive?

    A Confederate victory is one of the most famous alternate history scenarios one can think of. Countless words have been written/typed thinking of how they could've defeated the Union and secured their independence. But assuming they were successful, that raises the long would an...
  6. The Bitter Borough: A TL of an Early Consolidation of New York City
    Threadmarks: Introduction and POD

    The Bitter Borough Of Treason and Power Hi folks! I'm still relatively new to this community and new to alternate history, although I've lurked for some time. I finally got the courage to work on an alternate history scenario of my own. Since this year marks 125 years since the creation of...
  7. What if: Lincoln had not pushed the Fort Sumter issue

    I am a bit in a rekindled phase of reading on the ACW (Throes of Democracy, Team of Rivals, and a miserable Misean tract by Charles Adams) and a question popped out for me. What if Lincoln decided to hold off on calling for volunteers when Fort Sumter surrendered. He does not recognize the...
  8. Effects of Confederate Victory in ACW on European imperialism in the new world?

    There are hundreds of threads ctalking about the american civil war, and how if it had gone differently, it would have affected america. But, I am more interested in what a divided US means for Europe. OTL, France used the turmoil of the American Civil War to intervene in Mexico, and Spain used...
  9. TheDoofusUser

    Seven Civil War Topics

    These are ideas that have been floating in my head regarding the ACW that I think could be interesting if they happened IOTL. What are some thoughts and ideas that come from these? 1) The OTL Tullahoma Campaign was relatively bloodless and saw the Union General William Starke Rosecrans, who won...
  10. Oba Cahokia

    WI: The State of Lincoln and the State of Sequoyah

    What if half of the Indian Territory was divided into Freedman's Territory and eventually became a state in 1910 with Sequoyah?
  11. AltoRegnant

    Maryland Secedes; Where Would Lincoln Run The Administration From?

    Let's assume that, due to increased violence in the Baltimore Riots, and perhaps a more Democratic State Legislature, Maryland decides to Secede. This, naturally, is a death knell for DC as the capital of the Lincoln administration, due to having the seat of Government encircled by the revolting...
  12. TheDoofusUser

    The Eagle's Standard Bearer
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1 : Life of Franklin S. Armstrong, 1860 Election, and War Engaged

    The story of the Six Year American Civil War is a tale of a war between brothers, parents and children, cousins, and friends. It was a tale of a war to maintain the unity of the United States of America, It was a tale of a war fought to end slavery. It was a tale of a war fought to cement the...
  13. TheDoofusUser

    Working on an ACW TL but with a Twist

    so I'm going to be working on both ACW and ARW TLs in the very near future and while the second one will be the same format as almost always that usually goes, I want to do something very unique for my ACW TL. In the OTL ACW, there were dozens of men who were lower officers who never got any...
  14. Just a Turteldove Fan

    Bluegrass turned Red - A what may have been TL
    Threadmarks: Prologue- The loss of the commonwealth

    Bluegrass turned Red - A What may have been TL By: A Just a Turtledove fan Prologue- The loss of the commonwealth September 2nd, 1861 Mayor General Leonidas Polk received a telegram from the Tennesee Governor to hold his invasion plans in Kentucky [1]. Polk's first reaction was one of anger...
  15. AHC: Make a TL like The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly historically plausible

    I'm a big fan of westerns like The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Even if it his historically inaccurate. So I'd like to create a challenge to make an ATL in which the events shown in the film would be more plausible. The major inaccuracy is how the Civil War is portrayed in the film. The plot...
  16. WI: A delayed American Civil War and a Douglas/Johnson Presidency

    I made a post about this before, but it did not get much traction. Likely due to the title. So I want to post about this scenario again, with a few added details. I would also like to link to past threads I have found addressing the topic that I think add some interesting points...
  17. TheDoofusUser

    Three Pre-Revolution, ARW, and ACW TL poll

    So for the last few days, I've had a few ideas about a TL I could do in the meantime as I'm focusing on TEE, which will have updates every now and again. The TLs I'm considering have PoDs in either the 1710s, 1600s, or even 1500s, while the ACW will obviously have an 1800s PoD. Here are the...
  18. The kingdom of France help the Union in the american civil war

    If France had not become a republic in 1848 but remained a monarchy would King Louis Philippe II have become,IOTL participated in the American Civil War on the side of the Union,if he had come to power would he still have helped the country?Would the British have stood by and watched?
  19. WI ACW delayed four years?

    Is a quicker Union victory plausible if Civil War is delayed till 1865? How much more advantages does the North have compared to 1861 in terms of industrial, population, and technological growth? Also, can an anti-slavery amendment still be passed if the Civil War is over relatively quickly...
  20. GameBawesome

    Discussion: Which Southern States could've remained loyal to the Union?

    As we know, when President Lincoln won the election of 1860, seven states seceded from the United States of America before Lincoln's inauguration, forming the Confederate States of America, and then when fighting commenced, four more Southern States seceded and joined the CSA as well. There also...