alt cold war

  1. The Long Winter of our Discontent
    Threadmarks: United States

    The Long Winter of our Discontent How the West Shattered By Waldemar Hirsch, 2023 The 24th October 1929 is a date that will forever scar the human soul, it was on that day a calamitous short sell led to the collapse of the entire American economy in three weeks, the devaluation of the American...
  2. AltoRegnant

    DBAHC: Communist Russia, Fascist Germany

    OTL, one of the most pivotal events in the 20th Century was BorisBrasol 's victory in the Russian Civil War. The resultant White Scare that dominated Europe in the 20s sidelined the German right, especially the monarchists and the NDSP, especially after Russia backed the Beer Hall Push. All of...
  3. the Imperium of Canada

    In a America-Nazi Cold War scenario, how likely is World War 3?

    So let's say that Operation Barbarossa is (miraculously) completely successful and the Soviets are pushed beyond the Urals. Let's also say that the Western Front drags into a stalemate and peace is made in 1945 or 1946. Let's again also say Hitler is in much better health then OTL and can be...
  4. Historyman 14

    Photos of Fatherland

    (Opening post.) Hello. This is going to be like the picture threads about TL-191 and Kaiserreich. Only this time it is about Fatherland, the Cold War, and the horrible truth of the Holocaust. Any photos are fine as long so long it won't get anyone in trouble with the mods and the board and is...
  5. Terran Allias

    Iron Dawn: an alternate WW3 between Allies, Axis and Soviets
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    I have an idea for a setting of an RTS game depicting a cold war between the United States, German Reich, and the Soviet Union turning hot in the 1980s. The PoD is that after WW1, revolution sweeps Europe and replaces old governments with radical ideologies, namely fascism and socialism. When...
  6. What do Asia and Latin America look like in a Nazi-US Cold War?

    So, were talking the standard German/American Cold War, think Fatherland. Japan is defeated like OTL. So, what do Latin America and Asia look like by the 60s and beyond. In each of these regions, who would be the most pro and anti US/German? Would any countries be wealthier/ poorer compared to...
  7. Dominoes in Southern America

    Disregard, accidentally posted this in the post 1900 ones, can't seem to delete the original post