
  1. No Almohads?

    The founder of the movement that eventually led to the creation of the Almohad Caliphate, Ibn Tumart, was a puritan Muslim scholar who got into all sorts of trouble during his life. According to Wikipedia: What if he drowned or was left behind by the sailors, years before he launched his...
  2. AHC: Moroccan discovery of America

    What if Morocco discovered America before the Spanish? Let's keep this discussion realistic, with real reasons to make Morocco sail west (hostile islamic powers, bad trade relations etc.) and the consequences on the world and islam. Would Morocco convert the locals to islam, or would it use them...
  3. WI: Andalus’ Almoravid Revival?

    The Ghaniyyids were the remnant Almoravid princes-turned-warlords of the Western Mediterranean. They took over Majorca for a while and ruled it for over 50 years. How would you make the Almoravids of Majorca, or their affiliate contemporary butterflies, prevent or at least reduce the effects of...
  4. GauchoBadger

    WI: No Almohads

    So, suppose that the Almohad Caliphate never manages to conquer North Africa out of the Atlas Mountains, maybe by being defeated by the Almoravids at Marrakech. What happens next? The Almoravids are still in decline by this period. How does the lack of the Almohads affect the Iberian reconquista?
  5. CountofDooku

    Threadmarks: Preamble

    It all began in 1086 when Yusuf ibn Tashfin was invited by the Muslim taifa princes of Al-Andalus in the Iberian Peninsula to defend their territories from the encroachment of Alfonso IV, King of León and Castile. In that year, Yusuf ibn Tashfin crossed the Strait of Gibraltar to Algecias, and...