a hippie in the house of mouse

  1. Photos from the Hensonverse

    Inspired by other photo threads of fictional worlds, this one is a place to post in-universe photographs of @Geekhis Khan's A Hippie in the House of Mouse and When you Wish Upon a Frog. The OP has given me permission to make this thread and he will occasionally comment on it. The general rule...
  2. When you Wish Upon a Frog (Book II of the Jim Henson at Disney saga)
    Threadmarks: When you Wish Upon a Frog

    When you Wish Upon a Frog Book II of Jim Henson’s Amazing Tenure at the Walt Disney Company Image Source legolas310.deviantart.com HI-ho and welcome once again to the continuing stoooory of a Hippie who went to the Magic Kingdom. This is the continuation of the Jim Henson at Disney saga...