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  1. Mindtraveller

    Thanks for writing Our Father's Stars. I would especially like to congratulate your astuteness...

    Thanks for writing Our Father's Stars. I would especially like to congratulate your astuteness in reading current trends, predicting a world torn between technocracy and populism.
  2. Mindtraveller

    An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government

    Could this be the POV faction for Stellaris Invicta Season 2? "My Emperor, we've news from fringe worlds. Strange ships have been sighted, they respond to hails and call themselves part of something called a Greater... Terran... Union?"
  3. Mindtraveller

    An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government

    That was fast. Only a few days between inspiration and implementation.
  4. Mindtraveller

    An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government

    This sounds like the English Empire from A Popish Wind.
  5. Mindtraveller

    An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government

    JonTron, you magnificent bastard I read your BOOK!
  6. Mindtraveller

    An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government

    Something I've been thinking of doing, a Neo-Pagan united Europe based off of B_Munro's "The White Goddess." scenario: POD: Hitler goes whole-hog on Thule Society mysticism and Nazism takes on a (slightly) less racist...
  7. Mindtraveller

    An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government

    This seems like the "opposite, yet equal" counterpart to the American Union. On that note, I'd love to see what Mr Guillaume and Mr Park would think of each other's countries (translation: I'd like to get them in a room together and record the ensuing screaming match...)
  8. Mindtraveller

    An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government

    This sounds like the logical conclusion of the "WWII got us out of the Great Depression" theory.
  9. Mindtraveller

    An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government

    Looks like the alt-right was about a century and a half too late to get what they wanted.
  10. Mindtraveller

    An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government

    I guess this is the logical conclusion of the modern phenomenon of politics becoming a spectator sport?
  11. Mindtraveller

    The Popish Wind

    On the Failed Dutch Invasion On the early morning of the 29th of October, 1688, a handful of ships set sail from the Dutch port of Hellevoetsluis, despite the adversarial winds keeping a majority of the flotilla’s would-be fleetmates in port. At the head of this small fleet sailed William of...
  12. Mindtraveller

    An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government

    I've been thinking, what is the policy in regards to, say, an anarcho-monarchist polity? Do we put it under "Anarchism/Libertarianism", or "Monarchism/Feudalism"? Ditto fpr other governments that combine two or more ideological groupings.
  13. Mindtraveller

    An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government

    I can't find that, but it sounds interesting. Can you please post a link?
  14. Mindtraveller

    An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government

    Awesome! :) Now I want an entry on the British Politea. Please? (So glad Neo-Platonism turned out to be a unique ideology and not simply what TTL calls Liberal Democracy)
  15. Mindtraveller

    An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government

    Is the New Sparta world map coming soon? *puppy eyes*
  16. Mindtraveller

    An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government

    The third-place finisher in the :"Next EEUSG Entry" poll rvbomally ran on his DA page. An idea for a spinoff: People from all the different Americas featured here having a chat. "A Marxist, a libertarian, a monarchist, and a neo-Laconian walk into a bar.":winkytongue: Values dissonance galore!
  17. Mindtraveller

    An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government

    Puritan theocracy sounds interesting, a couple ideas 1) The Roundheads lose the English Civil War, prompting Cromwell and his cone-hatted cronies to establish a Puritan "government-in-exile" in the New World. 2) Similar to New Sparta, the American Revolution is suppressed in the South, leaving...
  18. Mindtraveller

    An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government

    I really like New Sparta because it is probably the purest form of military government possible, in that governing duties are restricted to active members of the military class. Other forms of government along similar lines that I would like to see here include: Technocracy (government by the...
  19. Mindtraveller

    An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government

    Of all the worlds from this thread, I'm most eager to to see more of New Sparta's world.