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  1. Washington's Third Term

    What it says on the tin. What if George Washington had run for and won a third term? Assuming of course that his death in 1799 is butterflied away (not hard, the circumstances surrounding his death were rather weird) and that he lives long enough to finish it. Note that he probably wouldn't...
  2. In a timeline without George W. Bush, who is the Republican nominee in 2000?

    Now I know the cliche response is McCain, but let me explain why I don't think it would be him. My understanding is that when George W. Bush entered the race, he used his family connections to almost immediately line up most of the Republican establishment behind him. This had two effects...
  3. AHC: Domesticated Alligators/Crocodiles

    I'm not even sure if this is possible, but I was inspired by this picture. How could we get alligators and/or crocodiles domesticated? My assumption is that the biggest problem would be finding a niche where they would be useful. Obviously, they can't be used as pack animals. And their meat...
  4. Henry Clay in 1844

    I was poking around Dave Leip's Election Atlas and I never realized how close the 1844 election was. James Polk defeated Henry Clay by only 39,000 votes and only 5,000 votes in New York, the state that ultimately decided the election. So let's take as our POD that the Liberty Party (a...
  5. Question on "Election by Petition"

    This might belong in Political Chat, if so feel free to move it. But I put it here because I am sort of asking an alternate history question at the end and it would almost definitely require a pre-1900 POD. I recently read Robert Heinlein’s The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. In it, one of the...
  6. AHC: An election map from a dream I had last night

    So I had an odd dream where I was time travelling with my family. At one point, we were sitting in a hotel room channel surfing when we came across a cable channel that was broadcasting the Presidential election results. I didn't know the year. The Republican candidate was Ronald Reagan, but I...
  7. AHC: Both parties nominate a former President

    What it says on the tin. Give me a post-1900 scenario in which both of the two main American political parties nominate a former President. Not an incumbent mind you, but someone who was once President and isn't anymore. Obviously this will be difficult since in OTL the last former President to...
  8. Dystopia Challenge!

    Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to create the worst possible world of 2011 with a POD after the end of WW2. There is of course a catch: No nuclear Armageddon. Anybody can say "Cold War goes hot, everybody dies." It's not particularly creative. However, I will allow limited use...
  9. Il Duce's Duel

    Someone posted this link in another thread and I thought it would make a cool POD. In 1921, Benito Mussolini challenged an anti-Fascist newspaper editor named Francisco Ciccotti to a duel with swords. Mussolini injured Ciccotti badly enough that he was unable to continue the fight. The man later...
  10. AH Challenge: St. Kennedy

    What it says on the tin. With a POD after WW2, make one of the three Kennedy brothers a saint. Bonus points if one of the other Kennedy brothers becomes President. Mega-bonus points if the saint himself holds public office in the United States at some point in his life. I figure RFK is probably...
  11. Question: When did WW2 become inevitable?

    The question came up in one of my classes. For the purposes of this thread, WW2 is defined as "a war with Germany on one side and at least France and the UK on the other that takes place after WW1 but no later than 1950." In the class discussion, people seemed to fall into three categories. The...
  12. Democrat elected in 1968, who is the Republican nominee in 1972?

    I don't care who the Democrat is. Humphrey, a not assasinated RFK, even Eugene McCarthey. I'm just wondering who the Republicans would nominate four years later with Nixon out of the picture. I figure the 1968 contenders would all get into the race: Reagan, Romney, maybe even Rockefeller. Who...
  13. The Assassination of Wallis Simpson

    I've been fascinated by the Abdication Crisis recently, so I'm curious. What would have happened if some nut takes a shot at Mrs. Simpson? Let's say this occurs in late November or early December of 1936, after it has become clear that Edward is probably going to abdicate but hasn't yet. Does...
  14. Why isn't the Star Trek EU bigger/better/more organized/more like Star Wars'?

    I've always been a bigger fan of Star Trek than Star Wars. But debating the relative merits of the franchises is not the purpose of this thread. One thing I've always been disappointed by is the Star Trek expanded universe. I've always loved how Star Wars has used novels, short stories, and...
  15. AHC: How long could Newt Gingrich stay Speaker?

    In 1998, due to a variety of factors, Gingrich left not only the Speakership, but the House entirely. Still, the Republicans managed to hold onto the House until 2006. So your challenge, with a POD after Gingrich becomes Speaker in January 1995, is to keep him as Speaker for as long as possible.
  16. AHC: Canadian Religious Right

    You challenge is to make a Canadian "religious right" that is comparable in purpose and power to the OTL American movement with a POD after 1945. Bonus points if the American religious right is not butterflied away and the two are able to work together across international boundaries in their...
  17. AHC: President Adams III

    John Adams and John Quincy Adams were the first Father-Son duo to become President. You challenge is to keep the Dynasty going and get JQA's son Charles Francis Adams elected President. In OTL he was nominated for Vice President by the Free Soilers in 1848. He was also a Republican Congressman...
  18. What if Bush picked John Danforth as VP?

    I've been reading former President Bush's memoirs and he devoted an entire chapter to personel decisions. One of those was his decisions to tap Dick Cheney as VP. In OTL it went basically like this: Bush asks Cheney if he's interested. Cheney says no. Bush asks him to head up the search...
  19. AHC: Switch the Eastern and Western Roman Empires

    I was wondering if it would be possible to swap the fates of the two Roman Empires. In other words, have the East fall in the 400s and the West survive into the 1400s. The POD would have to be after 285, when the Empire was first divided by Diocletian, with bonus points for a POD after 395 when...
  20. Canada and/or Australia incorporated into the United Kingdom?

    I was just wondering if this is feasible at all and what type of POD it would require. Would it be possible for Canada and/or Australia to become an integral part of the UK on the same footing as England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland? I've heard this discussion about the British Raj...