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  1. WI: No Regulation

    Move this to ASB or Chat if needed What if the United States never passed any regulation on industry? What would the world look like without minimum wage or environmental laws or safety regulations or the FDA. What about the economy, when banks and monopolies have no regulations to govern them.
  2. WI: George H.W Bush runs in 1996

    What if Bush Senior pulls a Cleveland and ran against Bill Clinton in 1996? Does he do better or worse then Bob Dole? If he wins, what does his presidency look like?
  3. Alternate Obama Running Mates

    Other then Joe Biden, who else could Obama have picked to be his Vice President? No matter what, I think he will win. The Iraq War and Economic Crash of 2008, plus incumbency fatigue gets him to the White House. Possible choices - Hillary Clinton - Evan Bayh - Tim Kaine - Colin...
  4. World Wide NATO

    What if, the US decides to make NATO or any alliance world wide. So all US allies would be under one global alliance.
  5. The Dominions in the event of a British collapse

    For what ever reason, Great Britain is either invaded, comes under a dictatorship, or just withdraws from World War II. What would the Dominions do? No doubt the Royal Family, government, and military would flee, most likely to Canada. So, what does Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and...
  6. WI: Britain tries to leave the war

    Let's say after the US enters, the British want to leave World War II Of course, the US says no. So they disband the British Goverment and occupy the island. Maybe after a failed D-Day?
  7. WI: Roosevelt was as Anti-Communist as Churchill

    Roosevelt and Stalin had a good,stable relationship. For some reason, the US president trusted Stalin so much. He died before the war ended, and never saw what Stalin would do. Churchill on the other hand, knew the monster Stalin was. What if Roosevelt had the same views as Churchill...
  8. WI: No Lewinsky

    What if Bill Clinton never had his affair with the intern? Would Al Gore win the 2000 election?
  9. WI: No Gore-Clinton split

    In the 2000 election, Al Gore chose to selecta the himself from President Bill Clinton. They only campaigned together where he was super popular. But Clinton was super popular, and this lost Gore votes. Does he win if he campaigns on "Clinton's Third Term"? I think so, since polls show...
  10. Alternate British Capital outside of Europe

    Let's say, for what ever reason the British Government and military had to flee the home islands. World War or something. Assume all major powers are aganist them. Russia, France, Germany are at war with them, along with the Ottomans, Italy, and Austria-Hungry providing support against them...
  11. WI: US annexed Spain's African colonies

    The US won the Spanish-American war, and forced Spain ti give up their Pacific and Caribbean colonies. What if the US got the African colonies as well?
  12. American Dictatorship

    With a POD of after 1960 Turn the United States into a dictatorship, even if it last only a night. It must have the U.S president declare he has ultimate power and no longer listens to congress. The military must back him, or at least at first. And don't do Nixon, go to my other thread...
  13. Nixon- American Dictator

    In OTL, when asked what was his options to avoid impeachment, Richard Nixom was told to either resign or use the army. He was in not in the best mental state at the time, but lots of people here on say the army would not have listened. And a cabinet member did tell the army not to...
  14. WI: Paris is destroyed during WWII

    As the Allies were about to take Paris, Hitler ordered the Commanding General to burn down the city, to prevent the Allies from having their victory prize. The General refused, story had it he look our the window and wept at its beauty and refused to carry out the order. What if Paris was...
  15. WI: Hitler blows up the Eiffel Tower

    During World War II, Hitler ordered the Eiffel Tower destroyed. But the order was never carried out. What if it was?
  16. American Congo....Why?

    I have seen a couple of timelines, where if America went to the Berlin conference, they would get the Belgian Congo. I never understood this, were they offered this in OTL?
  17. Rumsfeld and Cheney after a Ford Victory in 1976

    Both of these men were partners helping each other and their agendas. And we're gaining power in the Ford administration. They got Nelson Rockerfellor to be dropped from the ticket, and replaced and fired Kissinger from the NSA. They put George H.W Bush as head of the CIA, and got Ford to put...
  18. WI: Jimmy Carter in 1992

    What if Jimmy Carter ran for President in 1992? What would his presidency look like and who would be VP. And since it's only one term, what about 1996 and beyond. If he picks Clinton as VP, I think Clinton wins in 1996. But before someone says he would not pick another southern on the...
  19. Possible Axis Victory?

    Here is what I think is a possible Axis victory could look like - Hitler does not halt the army at Dunkirk, capture the BEF. - Only Bomb British airfields, not cities - Take Giblator, force Spain to help and join Axis - Take Malta - Tell Italy not to invade Greece, promise it to them...
  20. WI: Japan attacks the Soviet Union after Pearl Harbor

    Hitler declared war on America, thinking Japan would attack the Soviet Far-East. But this didn't happen. What if this did? Maybe Hitler tells Japan he won't fight America unless you fight Russia.