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  1. WI: No Polish-Soviet war

    Soviets negotiating a peace/borders treaty before the war starts?
  2. WI: No Polish-Soviet war

    I had this scenario in mind for quite some time now, and I found absolutely no threads on this scenario. Basically, the CP was divided on the matter of invading Poland, Lenin advocating an aggressive policy while others (Trotsky?) didn't want to risk losing the border with Germany that they had...
  3. Wir Sind Spartakus!

    I know I shouldn't be posting this, but I have been reading your Timeline and it is very good (At least until now) and you don't seem to be a retard anti-communist like many in this forum, and you do know a lot about it, congrats for the TL! Sorry for (probably) getting the Thread locked. You...
  4. Spectre of Europe - An Alternative Paris Commune Timeline

    "Leninism" doesn't contradicts various core tenets of communism, as it is nothing more then the marxist theory adapted to the Russian conditions, however, the adaption was not perfect, as Lenin didn't even have all the works of Karl Marx at his disposition. Stalinism, however, or...
  5. AHC: Maintain the Portuguese-Brazilian Union to Modern Day

    Well, you can always use the alien space bats to teletransport Portugal to Brazil. Or you can make Portugal a Brazillian colony. Whatever, Portugal is not UK, there is no way they remain united, except if they both remain monarchies with the same royal families and are later on re-united.
  6. Spectre of Europe - An Alternative Paris Commune Timeline

    Engels was as much anti-religious as Marx... Or even more than him, I would say... Marxism's legacy comes from the theory and practice of the Marxists. USSR doesn't really matters that much today, since the 2008 crisis we are growing in number again.
  7. Spectre of Europe - An Alternative Paris Commune Timeline

    Before you even mention this "Marxism", please, change it! Either remove the pro-faith in it or remove the Marxism in it. Marxism is a materialistic analysis, and as such, it completely ignores the theories of any and all idealistic worldview, including religions. It was formulated first by...
  8. Hapsburgs join the 2nd Partition of Poland

    Same territory as third, perhaps a little less in the second partition Warsaw, and some Dnieper river land? Volhynia? Pinsk? Nah, too exagerated. Greater Galicia along Ottoman Border? Some of Bessarabia?
  9. WI: Holy Roman France, and Royal Germany?

    A Gaulish HRE would stay unified. At least in France. The decentralization is a Germanic thing, because the territories conquered by the Frenks were tribes, wich were reformed into duchies, and they were highly autonomous. I can see Occitania becoming more and more autonomous, though, as...
  10. To whom did Alsace-Lorraine rightfully belong in 1870?

    France? I know no France Independence to Elsaß-Lotharingen!!! Independence to Northern Catalunia!!! Independence to Northern Euskara!!! Independence to Occitania!!! Independence to Britanny!!! Independence to Westernmost Flemishland!!! Independence to Arpitain people!!! Independence to...
  11. Request Maps/Flags Here

    Someone has the map of the subdivisions of the Frankish Empire? Same reason as stated before: RPG
  12. Request Maps/Flags Here

    There is no other map? Like, bigger? Thanks, though, that area is very good for my plans for the RPG
  13. Request Maps/Flags Here

    In needs of huge Italy blank map bonus for Italy + Corsica/Sardinia + South France + Alps + Dalmacia + West Spain + North Africa blank map More Bonus for a map with all big pre-roman republic era city-states of Italy and surrounding lands I plan on making a RPG with dis
  14. Request Maps/Flags Here

    I would like someone to make a USSR republics map, with all Warsaw Pact, Mongolia, Greater Armenia + Greater Azerbaijan, all Russian republics plus Sibir, Circassia as Independent in the USSR, and Finland-Karelia-Finnmark as Finnish Republic. USSR should be renamed Union of Eurasian Socialist...