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  1. Frederick III does not contract cancer in 1887....

    ...but instead, lives to the ripe old age of 87, after a thirty-year reign as Emperor. So for 30 years, instead of the Imperial Doofus Billy the Younger, the Deutsches Reich is treated to the reign of a fairly liberal individual who was a great admirer of the British system, and (through both...
  2. Can Somebody post a link....

    To the list(s) of which countries/empires get which colors on maps. Ie, I know Germany/Prussia is Gray, Austria's kind of Deep Reddish-Purple, and France is blue, but is there a comprehensive list (for example, Roman Empire, Byzantium, Ottomans, Brazil, etc, many as I can get that are...
  3. AH Challenge/Question: Superpower Germany without wars of conquest

    Ok, here's the idea. With no more territory than what is shown below, describe a scenario in which Germany is *still* one of the top 5 military, economic, and political superpowers in the world. If it can be done...go for it :D
  4. Operation Orpheus

    This is a very simple, proposed timeline, that I hope others can provide insight on and help me expand or change what is necessary, and whereever I have faulty reasoning, to adjust that. ******** It is late 1940. Adolf Hitler, seeing that any hope of an invasion of Britain is, for the...
  5. Horses or Camels survive in America

    Ok, very basic idea, very possibly been done before, but... The POD is the extremely distant past. A species of horse or camel does not go extinct, but survives into prehistory, to be domesticated by the American Indians. How, then do things change? Will there be more advancement in Indian...
  6. A completely wankish Deutschwank (Because Adam Requested It :))

    Adam made a suggestion/request here a really enjoyable Deutschwank with NO attempt at realism. So, here we go: September 1939: Hitler invades Poland, per OTL. Events proceed as per normal, since at this point it already was a Deutschwank. May/June 1940: The Dunkirk Disaster occurs...
  7. AH Challenge: German victory in WWII or a WWII analogue.

    Ok, everytime I try to set down an idea for a nice little Deutschwank that I can then develop into something coherent, somebody swoops in on that threat and treats me like I'm an idiot, listing all the many ways in which I'm wrong. So I'm going to put the ball in somebody else's court: Give...
  8. Hitler Chooses Wisdom

    [A Note on this TL, it assumes the following events will take place regardless of butterfly effect: 1) The continued U.S. embargo on oil sales to Japan (even if, as is assumed in this TL, Roosevelt doesn't run for a third term in 1940), and 2) 7 December 1941 bombing of Pearl Harbor and...
  9. Germany regains the Polish Corridor w/o A War

    Ok...anyone have scenarios where a regime in place in Germany-Democratic, Fascist, Communist, whatever-could regain possession of the Polish corridor without invading Poland, OR, with an attack on Poland without drawing the French and British into war with Germany?
  10. A Germany-Soviet Alliance...possible?

    Here is the scenario: A different fascist regime is installed in Germany, perhaps somewhat similar to Mussolini in the sense of being more sympathetic to socialist ideas, BUT the important divergence is: Instead of focusing on Jews and Slavs as "Untermensch" (forgive me if I mispelled...
  11. A Question on Motive and Opportunity

    This is a question that was raised in my mind after posting on another thread (the "What If Hitler Really Went After Britain" one) A couple of posters have said to me that Stalin intended to or would have attacked Germany if Germany hadn't attacked him first. I wanted the smart kids in the...
  12. A Fascist (but not Nazi) Germany....

    First of all, hi everybody, I'm new. Please be gentle... This is half a proposed timeline, and half a question for those who might have more detailed knowledge of Franco-British political and strategic policy in the Interwar years (usually when it comes to History, I'm used to being the...