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  1. Gaius Julius Magnus

    Lincoln, Johnson, and Seward All Assasinated.

    The plot to assassinate Lincoln was part of a larger attempt by Booth and his co-conspirators that included VP Andrew Johnson and Secretary of State, William Seward. Booth obviously succeeded but Johnson's intended assassin, George Atzerodt, got cold feet and Seward's, Lewis Powell, only...
  2. Gaius Julius Magnus

    AHC. Keep the Whigs Around as a Third Party

    The challenge is to have the U.S. Whig Party survive the pre-Civil War era collapse it did OTL but be a third party with the Republicans and Democrats still being the two major parties. Similar to the Liberals during the 20th Century in Great Britain being the third party below the Conservatives...
  3. Gaius Julius Magnus

    Britannia's Fist: After the End?

    So Peter Tsouras's trilogy in which Britain, France, and Russia all intervened in the American Civil War has wrapped up recently and now I'd like to see if there is any discussion to be had on what happens the aftermath of this world?
  4. Gaius Julius Magnus

    What If Ford Doesn't Run in the 1976 Election

    What would be the effects if Gerald Ford chose not to run for President in the 1976 election. Would Reagan or some other representative of the Conservative faction in the GOP be the Republican nominee or would the moderates be in better standing without Ford and his Nixon pardon being their...
  5. Gaius Julius Magnus

    Joe Steele Is Being Made Into a Full Novel

    So that Turtledove short story about Stalin's parents emigrating to the United States is being turned into a full single novel and will be released this May. So...
  6. Gaius Julius Magnus

    What if a Former U.S President was Killed by a Terrorist Attack

    Note: I am not advocating any of these people should be targeted for terrorist attacks or it would have been better for either of these individuals had died. What would have been the fallout and aftermath if any of the former U.S Presidents had been killed by the terrorist attacks either...
  7. Gaius Julius Magnus

    AHC: World War Two and Cold War

    The goal here is to create a second world war scenario were germany won world war one like with the following countries. Then have a cold war-like scenario develop. -Socialist Britain -Fascist France and Russia -Imperial Germany -A surviving Ottoman Empire
  8. Gaius Julius Magnus

    AHC: Fascist/Communist Britain and Fascist/Communist France

    The challenge here is to have either a fascist/communist Britain and a fascist/communist France following a Germany victory in World War One. The stipulation is that they both can't be fascist/communist.
  9. Gaius Julius Magnus

    DBWI: German Invasion of the USSR

    What if Hitler and Germany had carried through with the plans known as Operation: Barbarossain 1941. Outright annexation would have been impossible but what would have happened. The Red Army, though big, was very poorly equiped and it's leadership had recently been purged, probably would have...
  10. Gaius Julius Magnus

    Dogger Bank Incident

    What would have happened had the Russians not resolved the incident and the British joined the Japanese in the Russo-Japanese War. Would other nations come in on Russia's side? What would a peace treaty look like?
  11. Gaius Julius Magnus

    Keep the Roosevelts in Politics

    So after FDR's death that would pretty much be the end of the Roosevelt's as a political family. What would it take to keep the Roosevelts (the Hyde Park or Oyster Bay clan) in politics
  12. Gaius Julius Magnus

    American Labor/Socialist Party

    What would it take for a Socialist Party or Labor like party to become a major a party in the American political field.
  13. Gaius Julius Magnus

    AHC: Get Britain to Join the Central Powers During WW1

    Try and get Britain to join the Central powers during ww1 against Russia and France with a POD in the late 19th century
  14. Gaius Julius Magnus

    AHC: President McGovern

    Is there any possible way George McGovern could become the President of the U.S. during the 1972 election.
  15. Gaius Julius Magnus

    America Joins the League of Nations

    How would the world have changed had America joined the League of Nations? Would it have been just as ineffective in our time or would American involvment changed the fate of the league.
  16. Gaius Julius Magnus

    Political Parties in the North and South After a Victorious Confederacy

    If the south were to be victorious what kind of poltical parties would arise in both the USA and CSA. The Republicans would obviously discredit themselves with the loss of the war but could they make a comeback? What kind of political parties do you see taking shape in the Confederacy?
  17. Gaius Julius Magnus

    AHC: Have the Western Roman Empire Survive and the Eastern Half Fall

    Find a way to preserve the Western portion of the Roman Empire survive but the Eastern Half collapse. Probably ASB at best.
  18. Gaius Julius Magnus

    AHC: Make the the American Revolution more Radical

    Try and turn the american revolution into something like the French or Russian revolutions.
  19. Gaius Julius Magnus

    AHC: Create Both a Fascist France and Germnay Following the Treaty of Versailles

    Find a way to get a Facist France and Germany following a victory in World War One and have it at war with Germany.
  20. Gaius Julius Magnus

    WI: Pompey Hadn't been Killed by the Ptolemies

    Let's say Pompey isn't killed by the Egpytians when he reaches Egypt and is instead held prisoner and to become captured by Caesar once he arrives in Alexandria. What happens from then on? Would he become a part of the Second Triumverate, Secretly killed by Caesar or joins the Conspirators, or...