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  1. Ngo Dinh Diem Remains In Power - How Long Until Self-Collapse?

    Had the United States not executed a coup d'etat on the Diem regime in the Republic of Vietnam, how long would it have taken the Diem regime to collapse all by itself? Additionally, how much would this shorten the war?
  2. AHC: Christian Communism in the United States Anytime After 1900

    Just like it says. Have the United States embrace a theocratic communist government anytime after the turn of the 20th century. Bonus points if they do this without Soviet influence. Extra bonus points if they do this before OTL Russian Civil War/Communist Revolution. Incorporate the...
  3. What Effect Would A Protestant Bavaria Have?

    Just like it says. To what degree would German unification accelerate? Would this strengthen the German Empire or weaken it in lieu of Catholic Austria? How would this alter the course of World War I? Or would it? Would Bavarians still hold contempt for Prussians if they shared Lutheranism?
  4. Map Request: Pre-Colonial Africa (Tribal Nation Boundaries)

    Just like it says. Is there anyone who can supply me with a map of pre-colonial Africa before all the Europeans showed up?
  5. Europe First Problem

    It's a paradox that I've seen repeated over and over on this forum by different members, and it often seems like the paradox is glossed over because the Nazis are understood by 99.99% of humanity to be awful in every way. Statement A: Nazi Germany was a greater long-term threat to the United...
  6. Bypass Sicily and Italy?

    A series of questions, really. Would World War II in Europe be shortened by the western allies bypassing Operation Husky and all subsequent operations on the Italian Peninsula in favor of pursuing an invasion of France akin but not identical to Operation Overlord? Some believe that the...
  7. CSA Holds Atlanta Until 1864 Election: Does Lincoln Still Win?

    Just like it says. Whomever is in command (Hood, Johnston, etc) of the defense of Atlanta manages to NOT do a suicide charge and defends Atlanta in good order. Does Lincoln still win the election later that year? Also, what does Congress look like?
  8. How Does President Nixon Handle CMC?

    Nixon wins in 1960. How does he deal with the Castro regime? Is there a Bay of Pigs scenario to begin with? What about a Cuban Missile Crisis? Curious as to the board's thoughts on this.
  9. WI: Umayyads Win The Battle Of Tours

    Not concerned so much with the hows and whys as I am with the short- and long-term effects of the Caliphate winning the Battle of Tours. What does this do to Europe in general? I admit I don't know enough about the topic at hand so I'm looking for information.
  10. Spain Invaded by WAllies World War II

    Just like it says. Have the western allies invade Spain to topple Franco either before, simultaneously with, or after Mussolini in Italy is toppled. Operations Torch AND Husky must be completed by this point. Bonus points if you invade Sardinia and the Balearic Islands just because.
  11. List of Alternate History Movies

    I would like an as-comprehensive-as-possible list of alternate history movies. I don't mean historical movies with gross inaccuracies like Braveheart. I don't want mockumentaries like CSA either. I mean legitimate movies that have a legitimate alternate plot or timeline from OTL. Do any...
  12. AHC: Muhammad Becomes A Christian

    Have Muhammad become a Christian before the first sentence of the Qur'an is ever written. Bonus points if he becomes the "Apostle to the Arabs" or is ascribed some other such similar title. Discuss the effects this has as much as you can.
  13. Japan First

    Consider the effects of Roosevelt deciding to attack Japan first instead of Germany. I believe this was an easier "sell" to the American public for several reasons. 1) Pearl Harbor. The biggest reason of all, to be sure, but look at the emotional impact of this. U-Boat warfare against...
  14. AHC: Successful Toppling of Castro during Kennedy's Presidency

    Just like it says. Find a way to topple the Castro regime, and install a CIA puppet, or reinstall Batista during the Kennedy Presidency. Plot twist. Kennedy is not assassinated during his first term. Oust Castro by 1968 with or without an OTL Vietnam War. Explore the options.
  15. Prevent Ottoman Incursion into the Balkan Peninsula

    How would one prevent Ottoman conquests in Europe proper? What would need to happen in order to stop this?
  16. The Godfather ATL

    Not exactly sure which slot this should be filed under, so I picked post 1900 because it was the easiest. Watched the first two Godfather movies over the weekend and had some thoughts about it. It makes me want to read the book again as well. SPOILER ALERTS if you haven't watched either one...
  17. WI: Beer Hall Putsch Succeeds, Now What?

    What would be the immediate as well as lasting effects if Hitler's Munich Beer Hall Putsch had succeeded?
  18. AHC: President Aaron Burr

    Imagine the disaster of an Aaron Burr presidency. What do you think an Aaron Burr presidency would look like for his first term? Would he even get a second term, and, if so, what do you think that would look like?
  19. WI: Japan First, Not Europe First

    For some reason, Hitler decides not to declare war on the United States despite Lend Lease. FDR decides to jump on Japan with both feet. How does that theater go? How long does it last? Does island hopping still happen as in OTL since there was considerable separation geographically and...
  20. AHC: Topple Pope Alexander VI!

    Just like it says. Find a way to have Alexander VI deposed. Doesn't really matter how you do it. Bonus points if you replace him with someone objectively worse that gives more fuel to the Protestant Reformation. Super bonus points if he's killed, and god mode if he's killed by another churchman.