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  1. the State of Nevada v. Orlando Anderson

    "How many witnesses do you need to see some shit before you arrest somebody?" Chris Rock. While the murder of rapper Tupac Shakur has remained officially unsolved since 1996 there has always been one primary suspect in the murder. Orlando "Baby Lane" Anderson. The Crip gang member the rapper...
  2. Senator Martha Coakley

    What if Martha Coakley had won the 2010 Massachusetts special election? Admittedly, this is a tall order given the outcome. But perhaps not impossible given that polling showed her ahead until late in the race and the result more or less matched what the polling predicted. The obvious solution...
  3. Kurt Cobain Dies of an Overdose Rather than Committing Suicide

    Quick question for the Nirvava experts here: To my knowledge Cobain's suicide understandably led to a reevaluation of much of what he had written up to that point. His work on In Utero in particular was reinterpreted in light of the fact he had committed suicide. Even "Come as You Are" has a...
  4. On to Chicago: The 1968 Democratic Convention if RFK had lived

    From the onset I'm presuming that Kennedy can't unseat Humphrey for the nomination-not even Daley's delegation would hand him the nomination. But Kennedy will be there. He's in a unique position as far as the chaos is concerned. His family had a long relationship with Mayor Daley dating back...
  5. 1957 Fight over the Filibuster

    Let's imagine that the election in 1956 goes differently and Republicans regain the majority. LBJ is still around-but is relegated to the Minority Leader post. And yes I realize there was another thread with this idea in mind-but there the discussion skipped over the filibuster fight. In any...
  6. Dewey Defeats Roosevelt in 1944

    Admittedly this is hard-given that FDR won in a landslide. But there is the possibility of a public health crisis that could have turned the tide in Dewey's direction. Let's say there's an obvious health crisis with FDR-while he recovers in time for there not to be much of an effect where...
  7. Would the Beatles have split up sooner if not for Allen Klein?

    Allen Klein is often listed as a key reason why the Beatles fell apart. The irreconcilable differences between Klein and the Eastmans led to the McCartney lawsuit that finally brought a legal end to the band. Klein exacerbated preexisting tension between John and Paul in his effort to box out...
  8. Humphrey Defeats Reagan in 1968-what happens in 1972?

    We've had a few discussions on the idea of Ronald Reagan being the Republican nominee in 1968. However the ones I remembre presuppose his victory over Hubert Humphrey. What I'm curious about is what happens to the Republican Party if Reagan loses the 1968 election. The Republicans will not...
  9. Nixon wins in 1962-what happens to Reagan?

    The basic scenario is this: Richard Nixon's 1962 effort to become Governor of California proves successful. Despite this national political history is more or less the same as historical reality. Barry Goldwater is still the nominee and still loses a lopsided defeat. Ronald Reagan still gives...
  10. President Truman's historical reputation if he lost in 1948?

    How would President Truman be remembered had he been narrowly defeated by Governor Dewey in 1948? Presume for the moment that Dewey wins a narrow victory over Truman rather than the lopsided landslide that was anticipated. How is President Truman remembered thereafter? How is his defeat viewed...
  11. Walt Disney Dies in the Early 1940's.

    I was wondering-would how would Walt Disney be remembered if he had passed away after he had pioneered feature length animated films-but years before Disneyland and before his own image had become as large a part of his studios' brand as would be the case from the 1950's onward. Would Walt...
  12. United Artists Signs The Beatles to Two Picture Deal

    Historically the Beatles were signed to a 3 picture deal with the studio. While the first two films were released in quick succession in 1964 and 1965, the contract remained uncompleted until 1970. The Beatles were also obliged to distribute one additional record through United Artists Records...
  13. Fate of the Batista Regime without Castro

    My question is in the title-in the absence of Fidel Castro how long could Batista maintain power in Cuba and what kind of leadership would replace him? Let's say that Castro is somehow removed from the Cuban political scene at some point early in Batista's dictatorship. How do events in Cuba...
  14. Olympia Snowe votes for Affordable Care Act

    Not sure whether I should put this here or in chat. I know-I know. The idea of a Republican-any Republican voting in favor of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is hard to fathom. But if there was anyone in the Republican conference who might have made the decision to do so-Olympia...
  15. Idea: Democrats lose House in 2010-Regain Majority in 2012

    Perhaps this would be better placed in chat-but for now I'm posting this here. As a hypothetical what would the period between 2013 and 2015 have looked like with a narrow Democratic Majority. Admittedly-seeing the Democratic Party regain the House Majority in 2012 without altering anything else...
  16. Democratic Party Wins More Senate Races in 2004

    In 2004 there were three Senate races which Republican candidates won that could reasonably be termed close races. In Florida Mel Martinez defeated Betty Castor 49.4-48.3 In Kentucky Jim Bunning defeated Daniel Mongiardo 50.7-49.3 and perhaps most significantly-then Senate Minority Leader Tom...
  17. Birch-Celler Amendment Enacted

    I'm not sure how to do this exactly. But what would the consequences have been had the Birch-Celler amendment passed in the Senate and been enacted? Would 1968 is the last election under the electoral College system? Or would enactment have taken so long as to preserve the old system through...
  18. Hypothetical: Germany wins WWI in the period after US entry and arrival of American troops in Europe

    Admittedly, this is probably impossible. If this is better suited to the ASB forum I apologize. I'm not as much interested in how this happens but what Wilson and the German Empire do in the aftermath. The United States finds that the nation is at war with a victorious-but exhausted German...
  19. Perot Does Not Drop Out

    The idea that Perot could have lived up to his pre-dropping out polling is probably a fantasy. Perot wasn't the kind of universally popular figure who just might win in the context of an independent campaign. However his dropping out and claiming Bush had the CIA try to ruin his daughter's...
  20. Worst Case Scenario for Lee in Maryland in 1862?

    I'm not sure precisely what divergence would be needed to achieve this. Essentially I'm wondering-as a hypothetical-what a General less prone to caution than George McClellan might have made out of Lee's Lost orders. Given the limitations inherent in logistics-how much worse a defeat could the...