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  1. What if Syria had Sam-300 in the Lebanon war in 1982

    Let say Syria must advance anti aircaft weapons Russia had offer. Syria government great deal work convice the Russia sell must advance anti-aircraft weapons system Sam-300. I think Israel would prevailed in operation. Likely leading some Sam-300 site capture great lose USSR time.
  2. What if Israel had French made Jet fighter build in Israel how differnt history be

    Israel aircraft industry talk about doing this rather having jet fighter build in France. Israel government more faith in French engineering and then in-favor build France then own engineering practice were up task. USA interest story from 1947 until 1967 the USA try limit arm sales to Middle...
  3. What if Syria had Mig 29 in 1982 Lebanon War

    Let say USSR did lose two pro-types where working build the Mig-29. Which might allow Mig-29 enter a year early. USSR sold dozen or so Syria . I think Israeli pilot still carry out operation successful for a simple reason come down more pilot I hear at least come Israeli-Arab dog fights then...
  4. Let say the Israeli had the F-14 Yom Kipper war

    Let say USA F-14 project start 3 years early. This easily allow Israel having few them Yom Kipper war. My option it depend how many Israel had available first place. They just little bit faster but carry just over 2,000 pounds more in weapons and other things. Israel might face slightly lower...
  5. What if France won first rounds with Nazi Germany

    How long would have World War II gone on for if France successful chase Nazi Germany out of it Territory force Nazi Germany to surrender. Follow factors it took USA, UK and Russia about few months to match to Germany Capitol city. Lot of unknowns would USA been welling agree lend and lease act.
  6. What if Project Orion was launched in the 1970

    Let say nuclear test ban allow in Moon orbit or father away had build on the moon itself. In practice allow making project Orion possible what effect had space transporter
  7. What if Nazi Germany conquest Russia

    Let say Nazi Germany successful conquest Russia one would they attack next. My guess is Japan.
  8. What if Nixon not send the supplies over to Israel during Yom Kipper war

    For all those hoping for Israel us the nuclear bomb hate disappoint you guys but we must take hard core facts. Israel knock Syria out the war before the USA send supplies over while Israel might recapture the Sinai. This might have well push Egypt future war Israel after all maybe regain the...
  9. What if Japan had Jews living there when European first

    Let say Jews faith successful survival what effect had on World history I am no way suggestion super longer number more suggestion few thousands Jews living Japan European Christian first show up. I think Japan response still been close door policy or worst. Jews Europe face much worst maybe...
  10. What if one Hamas rocket hit the Dome of the Rock

    What if Hamas fire rockets into Jerusalem what hit Dome of the Rock destroy it.
  11. What if Cuban Misslie crist had gone hot

    Let say nukes want flying during Cuban Missiles crist. What after effects been world wide.
  12. Could Warsaw ghetto uprisning more successful

    I could think few things happen might turn the tide Jews favor first reckless Jürgen Stroop, call in bomber likley uprising last lot longer guess uprising spread to entire city Warsaw. That big one could maybe chance things little uprising last long enough until Red Russia came in.
  13. Was there any way that Nazi Germany could have won

    Far I can see it physical possible Nazi Germany successful conquest the World or at least Nazi Germany we know of racist belief doom them from start while might successful conquest all Europe maybe Russia. For that matter Nazi Empire wast it resource on kill people they hate they might have...
  14. What if Hittler choose scapegoat relaize pricelss jews could out come Germany rise

    Let say Hitter instead us the Jews as tool help Germany win world War II pick basic all other group maybe add Islam list as trouble making.
  15. What if Arabs found out Israel alreadly had nuclear weapons in June 4 1967

    How would Arab government response if they know Israel had nuclear weapons.Would Arab state risk war know Israel had one or two nuclear bombs.
  16. What effect had on Israel if Hitter only able kill half as many Jews in Europe

    Let say for argument shake Hitler had been lot less successful war against the Jews I could name few ways possible. One the Jews must part did fight back rather going Nazi promises or going hiding. Would been most likley reason well for one thing European was problem facing longer Jews return...
  17. What if UN resolution 181 did not pass

    Let say that UN resolution 181 Well UK already said no mater what way the UN votes they going leaving they even leaving early then UN had plan. They supposed stay 2 years. With that being said Zionist and Arab fighting out one way or other. Zionist still buy must arm blackmarket and the...
  18. What if USA have cold war turn decide stay out foreign affairs how world look now

    I think we not written any post here since World destroy since USA did keep in line include Japan build nuclear weapons and Chine and Japan having nuclear fire fight or Japan well turn India allies for help. Iraq get the bomb soon or latter and two gencidie happen after cold war would lot...
  19. What if Ralph Nader won 2008 election

    Get ready USA lost all creditable world wide. Egypt and Israel back war back old fansh way fighting war guessing Congress allow Nader bring Middle East into true plunder cake mount be. Which might such bad think Middle East so be no Arab spring and Iran join gaint allience no Iran nuclear...
  20. What if astrioid that striped Mars Atmosphere not strike misson Mars

    How this effective the space program. Now Mars still atmosphere still support life.