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  1. nlspeed

    WW2 Start Date

    Thank you for making that point, Tim, it was an enjoyable read. :)
  2. nlspeed

    It was an absolutely amazing adventure, truly. I sent you more on Skype. :)

    It was an absolutely amazing adventure, truly. I sent you more on Skype. :)
  3. nlspeed

    I asked about it actually. But whyever would you apologise to me? I am just a random person who...

    I asked about it actually. But whyever would you apologise to me? I am just a random person who talked to you, you did nothing wrong to me. :) But, I was just reminded of you, for I just read 'CRISP-DM' in one of my course books and was reminded of 'CRISPR-Cas' (they're unrelated though; Cross...
  4. nlspeed

    Map Thread XV

    I'm afraid not; it's what everyone expects. :P Besides, India is perhaps the most sensible place for a runaway nation that doesn't need to conquer all of its neighbours (that is to say, Europe would be better, but then there'd hardly be a map if all European nations were gone). India needs to...
  5. nlspeed

    Map Thread XV

    This is a less exciting or unique map than my usual ones, I suppose, but I've always had the idea of creating a world inhabited by all of Civilization's (that is to say, I through VI) civilisations, and most of the leaders present there. And thus was born; a World of Civilization! 1) Mostly...
  6. nlspeed

    How bad was Nazi administration?

    Because they were evil, of course. Etymology is such a nice thing.
  7. nlspeed

    Map Thread XIV

    There may or may not be an Illuminati - a random citizen in the Deus Ex universe wouldn't know. Still, looking at Deus Ex from the perspective of a random citizen... Well, yeah, the Aug 'Incident' was horrible, all the riots, the fact that so many augmented people are mistreated / live amongst...
  8. nlspeed

    Map Thread XIV

    Mhm, that isn't a problem for me, but that could be because my monitor is extremely bright (really, my brightness is currently at zero - it'd hurt my eyes otherwise, at this time of the day - and I bet it is still brighter than many monitors). I'd normally go with black, but that was too hard to...
  9. nlspeed

    Map Thread XIV

    Thank you. :) Initially, fun oddness, for one never really sees such a Navarre and all. But it is much like how East Germany is decoupled from 'Germany', or why Friesland is decoupled from 'the Netherlands'. A variety of policies fitting under the 'social justice' framework were tried out...
  10. nlspeed

    Map Thread XIV

    I began drawing this map just after reading some of Deus Ex's design document, about its background before the game became the game we know. The map quickly evolved into a multipolar world of pseudo-superpowers: The USA, a true superpower, if not for the fact that it is slowly crumbling apart...
  11. nlspeed

    Map Thread XIV

    In the year Twenty-One Sixteen, If seas are mostly clean, If skies lack poison-green, They may have seen... (the same map, with a size increase of 300%) 1) As the world was plunged into madness, the Haitian populace was divided between asking the Loa or Bondye for help. Those preferring Bondye...
  12. nlspeed

    Hearts of Iron IV Thread

    Ever tried Making History (II)? That's a game with all kinds of wacky results though, so you mightn't like it if realism is your thing.
  13. nlspeed

    Map Thread XIII

    Exactly! Besides, who doesn't want to hear "No comrade premier, it has only begun"? And yes, Santa migrated, okay? Leave the poor man alone, he's busy enough bringing presents to all of you! :p
  14. nlspeed

    Map Thread XIII

  15. nlspeed

    Map Thread XIII

    Yeah, I know, I just liked going with a more joke-y approach at the end. I suppose I could turn the sea and all back to the normal blue. But the countries' colours serve a purpose; red-ish is communist, white-ish (Turkey, for example) is your average capitalist authoritarian-ish nation, not...
  16. nlspeed

    Map Thread XIII

    Your capitalist lies will be your doom!
  17. nlspeed

    Map Thread XIII

    The Red Planet Humanity stands at the dawn of the twenty-first century, and what promise it has! Is world peace finally within reach? Prosperity and happiness for all? If it's up to the Soviet World Government; yes, definitely! The United States of America - capitalist, authoritarian, and...
  18. nlspeed

    Alternate history of Canadian Maritime provinces

    Yes, but you're in the 'Forum Rules and Administration' (sub)forum, which is meant to discuss the rules of this forum / website. Your question should probably be asked in the 'Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900' (sub)forum. :)
  19. nlspeed

    Map Thread XIII

    My first thought was 'Cthulhu' and then 'a spider made its web there'. :p
  20. nlspeed

    Map Thread XIII

    What happens when Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri doesn't take place on Alpha Centauri? What happens when Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth doesn't go beyond Earth? Lots of fun (and poverty and scarcity), that's what! Provided are both a 100% and 200% (for legibility) version of the map. The...