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  1. [AH Fiction] Murder in Hitlerstadt

    Amazing what you can learn on!
  2. Across Yonder Horizon: Not Your Average Viking Tale

    Subscribed. I like this, and look forward to more.
  3. Some alt.hist for the Iowans...

    Mac if you write it I will read it!
  4. When the Wind Blew: a P&S Open Thread

    I think that Pro Aris has graduated to its own thread...a great read!
  5. When the Wind Blew: a P&S Open Thread

    How about "The End" ?
  6. Duck and Cover! An American Spinoff of Protect and Survive.

    OMG! The CDC transporting SMALL POX in an unsecurred panel van. What moron thought that would be a good idea???
  7. GI John

    E-1 to E-9 in less than two years? Even with combat promotion that seems rather fast.
  8. Land of Flatwater: Protect and Survive Middle America

    So who is going to find the nuke in the wreckage of that Backfire?
  9. That dammed bridge - ANOTHER P&S spinoff

    I graduated SHS in '83. The high school did not move out of town until 1993. Looking forward to more updates. On a side note, my senior year some friends and I played a RPG called Aftermath and we created characters of ourselves and started the game with the bombs going off!
  10. Don’t turn your back on the Wolfpack - A Spinoff of the Protect and Survive TL

    Since the revolution, most likely 1979 or 80 depending on how long it took them travel-wise.
  11. Terra Nova

    Also check your cable OnDemand.
  12. Make Jamaica A Carribean Superpower?

    I think the only way to get to even a middle-sized power is to butterfly away the 1692 and 1907 earthquakes.
  13. When You Wish Upon a Star: Comment Thread

    THANK YOU!!!! Now we can see the timeline for the trees
  14. When You Wish Upon a Star: Comment Thread

    Any thoughts to a comment thread?
  15. When You Wish Upon a Star: Comment Thread

    One story snippet and 85 comments. WHOA! Can't wait for this to fire up as Part I was a favorite of mine.
  16. The Board Wargames thread...

    Here is a link to the "new" Angola... MMP does not charge until it ships so if you want to pre-order it typically saves the cost of shipping. Last I heard it was in the pipeline for the printer; so that could be next...
  17. A different type of wank; armored vehicles that should have never seen service

    My vote hast to go to the L3/33. In East Africa (Eithiopia) several were destroyed by locals rolling boulders in front of and behind... and then manually tipping them over!
  18. Tail-Gunner in the Pilot's Seat 2.0

    ITS BACK!! Woot woot!