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  1. AHC: Hutus retake Rwanda

    The thread about the genocide got my mind hung up on the aftermath of the Rwandan Civil War. The RPF took over the country and has ruled it ever since, with the minority Tutsi in control of all apparatuses of state. The Hutu Power movement for the most part fled into Zaire, and from there...
  2. AHC: American Victory at the Battle of Germantown

    This was a battle during the Philadelphia Campaign that was a very near run thing, as Washington's surprise attack on the British position sent a good portion of the British into a rout. The eventual failure of the attack was due to poor weather causing American attack columns to converge on...
  3. Drag Nach Osten Scenario

    One of my favorite battle grand strategy games is Ageod's Russian Civil War game. One of the scenarios that it allows you to play is an alternate history set up of a victorious Central Powers (forcing an armistice after a successful 1918 offensive in the West that takes Paris and overruns the...
  4. WI: Meir Kahane's party not banned

    WI: Britain and France keep the Suez OTL, Britain and France attempted to seize the Suez Canal in 1956 with the aid of Israel. The US and Soviets agreed that they needed to back off. What if this didn't happen, though? Israel routed the Egyptian Army in the Sinai Peninsula, and the British...
  5. AHC: Soviets allow Jewish emigration to Israel

    OTL the Soviets were pretty restrictive of Jewish emigration, and therefore, it wasn't until it's end that mass Russian emigration to Israel was truly allowed. There was the 70s Aliyah, true, but it wasn't until the 90s that you got true demographic upheaval. How do you change this and allow...
  6. WI: George Wallace becomes Governor in 1958

    George Wallace, a previously moderate on racial issues, lost the 1958 Alabama election, leading to his ambition getting the better of him and creating a segregationist demagogue. He claimed that "nobody would ever out-nigger him again". Now, if Wallace is somehow able to win, do you see him...
  7. AHC: Fix American Overspecialization during WW2

    During WW2, the US Army had a massive problem where they would overspecialize their units and lead to Infantry manpower problems. Now, US Infantry in WW2 were a mixed bag, and many improved dramatically in the face of combat (see the 30th, 45th, 28th and 99th Infantry Divisions), drastically...
  8. AHC: Make either the Annapolis Conference or the Kerry Plan actually succeed

    The intractable status of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is something I think is overstated. In 2007, the Annapolis Peace Conference actually came a lot closer to peace than most people thought it had any chance to. What derailed it is difficult to say, but Olmert's legal troubles did not...
  9. AHC: Keep the GOP House from shifting further right after 2010

    Basically, how do we see the GOP in Congress taking a more centrist and accomodationist path after the 2010 elections? I personally think that the loss in the '06 midterms gutted the establishment GOP in Congress to an irrelevant degree, creating a vacuum for Conservatives dissatisfied with...
  10. AHC: Get Mizrahi Jews to back Left Wing Parties

    One of the biggest trends in Israeli politics is the racial divide. Traditionally, white Ashkenazi Jews have backed socialist parties and the Mizrahi Jews (ones from Arab and North African countries) have backed right wing parties or religious parties, with Likud and Shas being the most notable...
  11. Fate of Israel after an Arab Victory in 1967

    There is a lot of talk about the weaknesses of the Arab states leading up to the Six Day war, but presumably, had they actually won, what would have happened to Israel afterwards? (A better question may be how it is that they plan on winning- perhaps not bleeding itself white in Yemen would have...
  12. Who actually supported the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War?

    I had always kind of wondered how the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War have been covered by both Hollywood and by historical study. I have noticed that while there are details abundant on the Republicans, their support base, their conflicts, and points of view well represented, the...
  13. AHC: Hitler and France make lasting peace acceptable to the British

    The challenge is simple. The French believed that Hitler would simply do the old school thing and swap a few provinces with them and end the war, much like back in 1870. What if Hitler actually did this? What if he agreed to take Alsace-Lorraine but leave the French Gvt. intact in exchange...
  14. AHC: President Ben Tillman

    It was brought up in another thread that Ben Tillman was the most vocal and vociferous of the bimetallist, populist Southern Democrats. He was also a massive racist, possibly the worst in US history. How would you go about making it possible that Tillman rises to the Presidency? He had a...
  15. WI: No Cross of Gold Speech

    The overthrow of the Bourbon Democrats and Cleveland faction was something that was instrumental in US history in ensuring the two party system would survive long term. The Democratic party was firmly taken control of by its agrarian populist wing in the 1896 Convention, with William...
  16. Why Was The 30 Years War so Brutal?

    Something that really has always kind of vexed me is why in particular the 30 Years War was so devastating. 6 Million people in Germany died, and when you consider the population dynamics of the time, this might have been almost on par with WW2's loss of life and destruction in proportion...
  17. WI: Successful 1778 Canadian Invasion

    In OTL, we are aware that there were plans after the Battle of Saratoga to follow up with another invasion of Canada. Logistically speaking, this was not possible until spring/summer of the next year because of the needs of the Southern Army and reform of the quartermasters department. There...
  18. WI: Hardhat Riots Spread

    There was a lot of anger at the radicalism of much of the New Left and Student types protesting all the time in the early 70s. Nixon was absolutely right about the Silent Majority, it was a tangible thing and a lot of people were really getting sick of protesters waving North Vietnamese flags...
  19. WI: Claudius picks a different target

    We are aware that after Caligula was killed and Claudius was raised to be Emperor, he decided to conquer Britain as a way of establishing his military credibility that was sorely lacking to solidify his position. Britain however was not the only target he could have picked. What made the...
  20. More Complete Norman Conquest of Ireland?

    As we know from OTL, the Normans overran Ireland without too much organized resistance but quickly lost control of the situation, mostly due to lack of centralized leadership and the fact that many Norman lords were, unlike in England, becoming Irish in their cultural practices and were drifting...