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  1. AHC: Make the Entente performance better from 1916 onwards

    It doesn't. Just gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling... True, although the Swiss can't threaten Russia militarily... yet. Perhaps persuade the Germans he is planning a revolution in Berlin. See railways below. The British could buy the grain from our limitless (!) purse. French loans: - 1. More of...
  2. Amphibious attack on Pola/Pula naval base and the Istrian peninsula during World War 1 / Gallipoli alternative

    The Americans had the idea of a large raid on Cattaro (Kotor). The problem with the Adriatic is that Italy lacked natural harbours that could hold a battlefleet even as relatively small as Italy's, while the Slovenian / Croatian coast had numerous such harbours, along with strings of islands...
  3. Malaya What If

    If Keenan is on active service based at one of the northern airfields: - How can he send messages to his contacts back in Singapore? It seems almost impossible he could operate a wireless set undetected in a camp presumably on lock-down. How can he gather intelligence on major operations from...
  4. AHC: Make the Entente performance better from 1916 onwards

    Russia... As I posted a few weeks back: - Shoot Rasputin; Shoot Lenin; Shoot Rasputin, just to be sure. It will require PODs before 1916, but in the short term: have Evert attack at same time as Brusilov; tell the Romanians to sit this out, and can we buy more of your grain please? And try...
  5. AHC: Make the Entente performance better from 1916 onwards

    For France, is there something we can do at the start of Verdun? Either beef up the defences in time, or, completely the opposite, don't feel constrained to hold the line or even the town. Introduction of Petain's reforms of 1917 earlier: increased leave, better transport, crack down on...
  6. AHC: Make the Entente performance better from 1916 onwards

    The British could have made a relatively cheap improvement on the Somme by ensuring that the New Army artillery brigades received decent training at home when they had about a year before going to France, even if it meant the same guns being passed around batteries. TBH it was more the...
  7. Effect on rest of WW2 of a failed Sealion

    Re: The North - I agree but suspect it is semantics. The line after advance to "the North" mentioned was from Liverpool to Hull, which would put virtually most of England's industries either being German lines (the Midlands) or at best disputed territory (Manchester, Sheffield). Scotland's great...
  8. AHC: Make the Entente performance better from 1916 onwards

    Have Romania not enter the war. Their defeat left the Russians with an even longer front to defend, and allowed the CP to take full advantage of Romanian foodstuffs (after the oil wells had been sabotaged). Acting as a "friendly" neutral of the Entente they could tie up Habsburg & Bulgarian...
  9. Nazi Germany/Fascist Italy relations in a postwar Axis victory world?

    The OP didn't give a date for this victory, and there is no guarantee the ATL will play out same as OTL given the POD could be almost anything. "Bits" - my irony button must have jammed!
  10. Nazi Germany/Fascist Italy relations in a postwar Axis victory world?

    Occupation zones =/= permanent annexation. I expect after the war the Greeks will be allowed a little unoccupied zone. It really depends upon when the war ends. Early & Greece may not have been at war with Italy, so expect Italian demands to be a little more reasonable. Later in the war, not so.
  11. Nazi Germany/Fascist Italy relations in a postwar Axis victory world?

    OTL Hitler was a huge admirer of Mussolini, even felt that retrieving the Duce after his fall would lead to Italians rallying to the Fascist cause. I can see Hitler allowing the Italians a free hand in the Med and Africa outside of the Balkans (except for Albania and bits of Yugoslavia &...
  12. Could the Entente navies have forced the Dardanelles?

    Edward J Erickson goes into this in "Gallipoli: The Ottoman Campaign" pp22 to 29. Blames Churchill for propagating the "myth".
  13. Could the Entente navies have forced the Dardanelles?

    The Majestic class & the other pre-dreadnoughts were the fire-support vessels that remained offshore until they were sunk by subs & the Muavenet. They can't fulfil the role of battle fleet sailing to Constantinople, providing shore bombardment & be the transport for troops & supplies ( bit like...
  14. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    Take you time and follow the experts' advice - don't over do it! We can wait.
  15. Could the Entente navies have forced the Dardanelles?

    Yes, poorly phrased by me. The warships had more problems dealing with the mobile batteries as they moved (unlike the forts) and required both accurate spotting and indirect fire. The howitzers kept the minesweepers away. Yet the Inflexible had her bridge burnt out & foretop destroyed, so...
  16. Could the Entente navies have forced the Dardanelles?

    They didn't get as far as the Narrows, only as far as the bay before Chanak (Canakkale) where the 3 predreadnoughts were mined & lost; they did not penetrate past Chanak itself (where the pleasant ferry to Echeabat, which carries you across continents, runs today) and certainly not the actual...
  17. The Germans build carriers, instead of battleships, prior to WW2

    Conflated with Lutzow / Deutschland?
  18. Could the Entente navies have forced the Dardanelles?

    To be able to bring warships, let alone supply vessels or troop transports, they would have to hold both sides of the Straits beyond the Narrows right up to the Sea of Marmara. That is a lot of ground, especially on the Asiatic side where you would have an equally long land side to hold. The...
  19. British politics in a TL in which Hitler is assassinated in 1943

    Winning the war OTL didn't help Churchill & the Conservatives. My guess is that the blame will be laid at the feet of the pre-war National Government (overwhelmingly Conservative), and also the memories of pre-WW1. And there was no doubt who was Britain's war leader, with the number of...
  20. Is a successful 1918 Spring Offensive possible?

    Would add that a successful Spring Offensive in itself may not win the war: "The operation was a success. The patient died."