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  1. What is a common thing or trope that always seem to happen?

    Not to mention small powers can always latch onto other larger powers, telling them that if the larger power that wants to annex them can get their way they can potentially be annexed too. And plus larger powers will always have an interest to prevent their rivals from getting more power and...
  2. What is a common thing or trope that always seem to happen?

    The logic behind is probably because some people think that smaller nations don't want to make decisions that would be suicide like messing with greater powers, especially if they want to assert their dominance. Whilst it is understandable, it ignores that smaller/weaker nations have tried to...
  3. What is a common thing or trope that always seem to happen?

    This can be a way more difficult question when one thinks about it especially if the POD in question is one that greatly alters the world. Authors do have to seriously consider how said POD will affect the world and have to weigh between altering too much which would risk being unrealistic or...
  4. What is a common thing or trope that always seem to happen?

    Very ironic knowing what happened to the Romanovs. I suppose the Shah wasn't completely off.
  5. The Death of Russia - TL

    I know it’s not even been two years since the story came out, and yet I already know this is going to have a huge impact on alternate history story telling on this site for the next part of this decade. Miss you @Sorairo. Good luck on your endeavors.
  6. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War

    There’s also a possibility than any new government that takes place will still try to hold on to its colonies. Maybe it’s just me but I feel any new government would have to base its legitimacy off of keeping the colonies, unless it’s a military coup like OTL where they can get away with letting...
  7. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War

    The only bad thing I can see coming from the fall of Franco would be Salazar being given more support than OTL. This makes me concerned that Portugal would be slightly more powerful enough (thanks to WAllied favors) that they could hold onto their colonies for longer.
  8. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War

    Knowing the Morgenthal Plan, this section doesn't sound too crazy in comparison. Still, didn't the proposal for the Marshall Plan come after FDR kicked the bucket?
  9. The Death of Russia - TL

    I'd be surprised if Gorbachev got to live past 2010 at this point.
  10. The World Zionist Organization accepts the Uganda Scheme

    And worse, I can see the more reactionary ones even embracing white supremacist theories on Jews.
  11. The World Zionist Organization accepts the Uganda Scheme

    One really nasty consequence of such a proposal would be antisemitism becoming much more prominent in Africa. I can't see this Jewish state in East Africa existing without some really nasty violence and ethnic cleansing. This in turn is going to lead to Africans having a much bigger hatred of...
  12. An Age of Miracles III: The Romans Endure

    Off topic but I’m thinking about how the current Rhomanian emperors are descended from Timur and how the OTL Mughal dynasty was descended from him. Any Siderot equivalents to the OTL Mughal emperors because of this?
  13. An Age of Miracles III: The Romans Endure

    I would like to see how Persia is able to move on from the war, knowing it somewhat went well in their favor.
  14. The Death of Russia - TL

    The Eastern Orthodox faith must be extremely traumatized after all that has happened. How are the adherents outside Russia (and Ukraine, who wants to be the faith's new leader) taken it?
  15. An Age of Miracles III: The Romans Endure

    That being said I wonder what racism will look like in Rhomania.
  16. Bush vs. The Axis of Evil - TL

    I heard you're going to leave the site in a week @Sorairo I just wanna say thank you for everything once again.
  17. The Death of Russia - TL

    Thanks for understanding. I really appreciate it. Didn't know you are autistic as well.
  18. The Death of Russia - TL

    Hey @athgtq16129 can you not use the word "autistic" here? Besides the fact that it's not how the word is supposed to be used here, it is incredibly insulting towards autistic people like myself.
  19. An Age of Miracles III: The Romans Endure

    I can see the multicultural nature of the empire being the basis for civic Rhomanian nationalism.