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  1. AHC: Prevent the Existence of France

    What do you mean by "France"? What is counted as France? Merovingian and Carolingian Frankish Kingdom/Empire? Medieval Feudalist France? Or some later development? That is bit same if you just say "Prevent Germany" or "Prevent Russia".
  2. The Collapse of the Russian Empire 1905

    And France and Britain just would allow that?
  3. Hypothetical Czechoslovak Monarchy?

    This would be just very decentralised A-H. And if CPs win WW1, there is not way that Yugoslavia is exist. In this scenario There would be Kingdom of Croatia which has Bosnia and Slovenia. But at least OTL Yugoslavia is not allowed.
  4. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War

    That not really matter since even if Franco decides seek peace with Allies and even promises declaring war to Germany his offers are not taken seriously and certainly Allies demand Franco step down and face consueqeences of his actions. That is something what he never could accept. And Germans...
  5. The Collapse of the Russian Empire 1905

    Tings should really be worse than in OTL. And were that real calls for ending monarchy anyway? IIRC lot of revolutionariers just wanted reforms and constitutional monarchy with weak tsar not outright oust him. Wouldn't they ally each others unless latter is for constitutionalist monarchist in...
  6. What if 9/11 happened 20 years earlier?

    Who would even do that? Soviets are not stupid enough to launch that, Castro hardly has guts to commit that and he probably understands that Soviets will leave him alone if he does that and Iran hardly has capacity to do that. And I have difficul times to see any other Islamic group doing that...
  7. AHC: The CleanNet

    Perhaps technically possible. But just wondering would people begin to blame government from totalitarims when it is controlling what people can see and what they can't unless their CleanNet exclude only pornography and very violent stuff.
  8. WI: The Carolingian Empire isn't divided

    Boring answer but simply division would be delayed by one generation. It just wasn't sustainable to keep such empire and it was habit of that time divide kingdoms between sons.
  9. Our Weimar Germany-Risen From the Ruins

    Yeah. Or at least link to their Wikipedia site if existing. But I give at this point my vote to Stresemann.
  10. WI: Prince Harry marries a non-European princess

    Very true. Cultural differences would are already really large and in some cultures such marriage with foreigner would be big no. Like OP stated wife from Muslim nation is not possible. And you perhaps can forgot Japan too since Japanese culture not really favor marrying of foreigner and...
  11. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War

    No. Franco just woke from his nightmare whilst realising that he had made biggest mistake of his life and he may pay that expensively.
  12. AHC: The CleanNet

    I doubt that it could be sustainable. Sooner or latter someone in USA would develope completely open Internet and it is pretty hard to stop. And even harder to stop if and probably when someone outside of USA develops open Internet.
  13. What would a fictional depiction of our world be called in alternate timelines?

    Or "The King Who Was Killed by a Monkey". But yes, idea about someone being killed by a small animal would be deemed crazy and not very royal way to die.
  14. AHC: Muslim state in Western Europe

    I don't see that al-Andalus/Muslim Iberia was destined to fall to Christians. Muslims lasted almost 800 years so I can't see their survival being unlikely if just bit better luck. And generally I don't believe to some predestination where some things are like destined to happen no matter what.
  15. Friedrich Paulus as Nuremberg defendant

    Probably some pretty light sentence. Perhaps something like 10 - 15 prison term if even that long.
  16. WI: Prince Harry marries a non-European princess

    Media and most people would are fine. Of course there would be some racists who are going to blame Harry being "race traitor" like in OTL. But perhaps things between Harry and royal court would are easier since as royal that princess might know betterly how to play this game or at least not act...
  17. AHC: Muslim state in Western Europe

    Never heard that Hungary is counted as Western Europe.
  18. AHC: Muslim state in Western Europe

    Easiest way is save Iberian Muslim state. Perhaps you could keep Granada much stronger and somehow stop Castille and Aragon uniting as single nation. Or even better would be stop Córdoban Caliphate from dissolving. IMO Sicily is not possible. It fell already quite early and Italians hardly...
  19. What Would The Romans Call German Provinces?

    Probably use names of stongest tribes or then there is just several Germanias.
  20. Photos from Featherston's Confederacy/ TL-191

    Probably Americans just felt that independent Canada is bigger threat than Canada being occupied. And it seems that ITTL Americans take their Manifesto Destiny very seriously and just can't see way to keep Canada around.