AHC: A White Nationalist neopagan country.

Neopagans in the USA and a few other countries tend to be young liberals, but there is an undercurrent of neopaganism that is very ethnonationalist and yearns for the day where Europeans were proud vikings and warriors who spurned a Middle Eastern Jewish pacifist. Varg Vikernes is the most famous example of this.

Is it possible for there to be a country that is both White/European nationalist and has some type of official European reconstructionist polytheistic religion? Nazi Germany is the only major civilization I can think of that both cared a lot about race and favored pre-Christian religions over Christianity. Alternatively, you could have White Nationalists in the USA form an unofficial heathen town similar to South Africa's Orania.
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Like the Islamic State, I suspect they would feel it was their duty to liberate other places, which would bring them lots of ire.
This is a weird thread - Western Europe/US in their expansionary phase had a very muscular Christianity and the idea that their Christianity was somehow founded by a "middle east jewish pacifist" in any way held them back is for the birds. There's no incentive for them to really lean into this
White Nationalism isn't even that popular, but when you add neopaganism on top, the chances become really slim. Neopagans are but a very slim minority, and even were they not such a small group, they'd tend to think of terms of their own paganism, not a greater pre-Christian cult that has never really existed.


It is my humble opinion that most of that kind of people take Religion like an Football Club membership card. I no longer have the card of the X (usually) Christian Church. Now I am a proud holder of the Odin/Wotan etc Church card. I strongly doubt they have any faith on them. Basically imho it is only (empty) theater
I mean the real stumbling block is that neopagans are a very small group. Can't build an entire nation out of a tiny fringe, doubly so when it cuts across the entire grain of society.
Only in a Nazi victory scenario. Maybe Norway eventually ends up like this by trying to out-Nazi the Nazis, like maybe after Quisling dies.
I doubt that. Probably closest would be victorious nazi Germany but even that is not going to become dominantly pagan. There is too lot of Christians even on upper ranks of nazi hierarchy and Wehrmacht leadership. So even if you get Himmler as führer (who was probably only pro-neopagan whom had actual chances climb to power) Germany is not going to become neopagan majority. It wouldn't be accepted.

Perhaps best chance is post-nuclear war society where some small group establish white supremacy neopaganist nation but not sure if even that can survive long.
Collapse of authority in Volga Russia in the 90s, A pagan-plurality Mari republic managed to arise out of the ethnic mess of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan and radicalises, eventually enforces a revitalisation and purification/unsyncretisation process for their traditional religion, hence the "neo", meanwhile ethnic conflict with the neighbouring, mostly Muslim Turkic population results in the creation of a kind of radicalism that has similarities, and takes some inspiration with antiturkic and islamophobic movements in the west and Asia

The result is not really what you hope for, but it probably strictly fits as a neopagan white nationalist state
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The "white nationalist US breakaway" I've most often seen implemented in the Pacific Northwest and the northern Plains. So from the Dakota's westwards basically. A "project" like that would have many, many internal conflicts and as pointed out it would be a international pariah, but I think it would be the best shot at something like this.
Like @TuberAlloy said, the only way I can see a neopagan white nationalist country come into being is in the event of a post-apocalypse scenario. Perhaps a large number of white nationalists end up settling in Montana/Idaho, and then when the bombs drop they end up getting off relatively lightly, allowing them to secure a new state in the region.
White Nationalism isn't even that popular, but when you add neopaganism on top, the chances become really slim. Neopagans are but a very slim minority, and even were they not such a small group, they'd tend to think of terms of their own paganism, not a greater pre-Christian cult that has never really existed.
It used to be and it's conceivable that it still would be in many places if it wasn't for the atrocities committed by the Nazis.
Another possibility is that in the aftermath of an apocalyptic nuclear war that pretty much collapses society, fringe religious and political movements end up emerging from the woodwork, and at least some people want a clean break from the old world that ended in ruins and others want to impose their vision by force.

So for example, bizarro post-apocalyptic wannabe Nazi Vikings managing the carve out some sort of fiefdom in the ashes.
Illinois Nazis (to quote Elwood) love Pagan symbolism (Runes, Norse Imagery), but are overwhelmingly Evangelical Christian in my experience. KKK markets itself as overtly Christian (mostly Protestant & very anti-Catholic until recently). Lots of overlap in the Venn diagram for White and Christian Nationalism in 20th & 21st C. US.

Perhaps if Christian Socialism becomes somehow dominant in US Christianity it drives the far right towards Paganism? Probably requires a pre-1900 POD.
The closest thing I can think of is perhaps some breakaway SS fiefdom in Eastern Europe that holds to whatever the fuck Himmler's brand of esoteric mysticism was.
"Whatever the fuck Himmler's brand of esoteric mysticism" was actually just monotheism stripped of Abrahmanic content, so it would fail to met the requirements of the challange.