Most of your other notes here pre-date the J2 POD, but I wasn't really settled on an an alternative Pope until writing the chapter. Originally, I had considered Giovanni Colombo, assuming that with two popes dead in such quick succession, he would feel compelled to emerge as the compromise. Then, I planned for Sebastiano Baggio, but I didn't feel there was enough about his theology to go back to him if I wanted to. I settled on Hume because I felt he could represent a good compromise ideologically, even if regionally he was a dark horse.

I remember reading about how Colombo allegedly stated that he would deny his own election if it looked as if he would win.

As for Baggio... there's a rumor that he was a Freemason (unproven!).

To be honest, a hypothetical 1981 Conclave is so unpredictable! The ones that would be very qualified in being elected mostly died during the 80s or 90s.
By the way, assuming Walter Mondale is going to be the Democratic nominee in 1984, here are some people who could be his running mate:

Geraldine Ferraro
John Glenn
Reubin Askew
Alan Cranston
Mario Cuomo
Bill Bradley
Patricia Schroeder
Gary Hart
Bill Clinton
Dick Gephardt
Jim Folsom, Jr.
Tip O'Neill
Michael Dukakis
Douglas Applegate
Lloyd Bentsen
By the way, assuming Walter Mondale is going to be the Democratic nominee in 1984, here are some people who could be his running mate:

Geraldine Ferraro
John Glenn
Reubin Askew
Alan Cranston
Mario Cuomo
Bill Bradley
Patricia Schroeder
Gary Hart
Bill Clinton
Dick Gephardt
Jim Folsom, Jr.
Tip O'Neill
Michael Dukakis
Douglas Applegate
Lloyd Bentsen
you could also include Al Gore, Bob Graham, and Martha Collins
Just a quick update that we've reached one of those periods where the posted chapters have basically caught up to the written ones and the outline -- will be spending some time over the next few weeks extensively outlining some of the remaining plot points of Mr. Carter's second term, and then we'll get this show back on the road.

In the meantime, worth noting that this weekend marked one year of the 39th president in hospice care. I, for one, feel lucky to have had the chance for this extended goodbye, and I am sure he and his family have been warmed by 365+ days of remembrance and well wishes.
Hope another update will be out soon. Especially now!
By the way, assuming Walter Mondale is going to be the Democratic nominee in 1984, here are some people who could be his running mate:

Geraldine Ferraro
John Glenn
Reubin Askew
Alan Cranston
Mario Cuomo
Bill Bradley
Patricia Schroeder
Gary Hart
Bill Clinton
Dick Gephardt
Jim Folsom, Jr.
Tip O'Neill
Michael Dukakis
Douglas Applegate
Lloyd Bentsen
Pat Schroeder would be unbelievably based.
Just wanted to say that I have been loving everything produced in this alternate-history timeline. President Carter is a favorite of mine thanks to his humility and good character, frankly I think he deserved better treatment and I'm happy to see Vidal provide that for us.

I just discovered this yesterday and have been reading it in between work, it's been a great read. I have even learned a bit about Carter as a man that I didn't know beforehand. I can't wait to see the next update!