Recent content by Zulfurium

  1. Zulfurium

    A Day in July: An Early 20th Century Timeline

    Someone asked about the PLC before, so I am going to quote that response below. However, short answer is no, there is no impetus for a renewed PLC. In the event of a successful Don invasion I would expect the region to be incorporated into Russia proper, with some efforts at addressing...
  2. Zulfurium

    A Day in July: An Early 20th Century Timeline

    Ah, sorry guys. Going to see if I can't get back to my read-through and edit so I can get back to writing updates. Work has been kinda nuts and I have a ton of other stuff I am trying to keep up with, so my focus has been pretty scattered.
  3. Zulfurium

    A Day in July: An Early 20th Century Timeline

    Status of OTL July 20th Conspirators: Beck: He is initially involved in the scholarly study of the Great War under Hoffmann before falling into the circle surrounding von Seeckt and by extension Crown Prince Wilhelm. Beck is deeply involved in the internal politics of the German military...
  4. Zulfurium

    A Day in July: An Early 20th Century Timeline

    Do you have anyone specific in mind? I went through where a bunch of major Nazi regime figures have ended up in Informational Four. Taking a quick look, most of them are probably somewhere in the military works, making their way through the chain of command.
  5. Zulfurium

    Bisringkhal-An Assam Timeline

    An interesting read. I don't know much of anything about the specific locality and period, but it seems like an intriguing period in Ahom's history.
  6. Zulfurium

    Which TL would you like to see?

    Oh, damn. I like all of those ideas (perhaps unsurprisingly :P). For Want of a Maid seems like it could be really interesting, with the exploration of a united Britain and the wider consequences thereof. A Change of Plan is quite far from my areas of competence, but ACW timelines are always...
  7. Zulfurium

    A Day in July: An Early 20th Century Timeline

    I haven't read Ali and Nino myself, so this is working off a basic description from wikipedia. Just to start with, I am unsure if the novel would even be published ITTL, given the massacres and worsened persecutions of Christians in the Ottoman Empire. A novel about the relationship between a...
  8. Zulfurium

    A Day in July: An Early 20th Century Timeline

    While an intriguing thought, extending Prussia to the 1795 borders would quite literally make any sort of accommodation with the Poles impossible. It would require a rather different group at the top compared to what I have ITTL for it to have any likelihood.
  9. Zulfurium

    A Day in July: An Early 20th Century Timeline

    All of that is bound up in how the end of the Great War plays out, the Copenhagen Treaty and particularly the collapse of the A-H empire into civil war afterwards. The Germans never tried to secure the Third Partition borders and Austrian Galicia ultimately was swallowed up by Poland during the...
  10. Zulfurium

    A Day in July: An Early 20th Century Timeline

    It is still going to be quite a while before any new stuff comes out. I am making my way through the timeline, writing up notes on each section, so that I can provide something of a full summary of the timeline up until the most recent part, and working the dense blocks of text I have written...
  11. Zulfurium

    A Day in July: An Early 20th Century Timeline

    It does, just have to figure out how exactly it works with the Danish tax system as well. Don't want to get people's hopes up too much. Still need to complete my read-through and edit before I even start getting into proper planning mode. I do have ideas and thoughts for what is to come, but a...
  12. Zulfurium

    A Day in July: An Early 20th Century Timeline

    Thank you for the kind words. I have actually started on a read through and edit of the timeline as prep for my planning of the timeline’s continuation. I am working full time now and I am moving into a new apartment on the first of march, so my time is significantly more constrained than...
  13. Zulfurium

    A Day in July: An Early 20th Century Timeline

    Honestly not sure, though I would expect the Catholics of India to be divided similarly to so many other places over how to react to all the shocks of the past decades. Largely, I think the Catholic community, like in so many other places ITTL, partially disengage from the international Catholic...
  14. Zulfurium

    A Day in July: An Early 20th Century Timeline

    For the first one, Hinduism isn't quite my strong suit, but I would expect some sort of religious impact considering the major changes occuring in South Asia during this period. What those will look like and the specific impact, I don't quite know at this point. No real connection between Bose...
  15. Zulfurium

    A Day in July: An Early 20th Century Timeline

    I was the one who asked for the sickle, but a scythe would have worked as well. Thanks for the suggestion :)