Recent content by Zach Rosen

  1. Lenin lives to age 122

    Just remember you also have to get that woman to not shoot him in the head.
  2. AH Challenge: A Happier Korea

    How about a simple "China decides not to intervene in 1950" or "MacArthur doesn't screw up the advance, so when the Chinese do attack the UN forces hold them off"?
  3. Eisenhower a Democrat

    I doubt there would be much difference in his presidency, but if he ran as a Democrat he wouldn't pick Nixon as his running mate, so it's anyone's guess who would have run to succeed him.
  4. Cauldron: European War in the 1990s

    In the context of the book it made sense though.
  5. The Second Korean War 1994

    The NKs would find taking Seoul a very difficult proposition. It is a city of millions, and the ROK army can be counted on to hold it to the last man. You'll have millions of reservists being called to arms within just this one city. Sure reservists aren't of the best quality, but when there are...
  6. The West Wing

    Martin Sheen has a mental disorder--he thinks he's the President of the United States.
  7. The Second Korean War 1994

    I'd suggest reading Larry Bond's book Red Phoenix for ideas about a modern Korean War. He has the allies on the defensive for most of the time, because they have to deal with a total surprise attack, and a lack of reinforcments, but then basically route the NKs through a surprise attack into...
  8. Malayan strategy in Vietnam

    The US actually tried one of the devices the British used, strategic hamlets, and they were an unmitigated disaster. This is probably due to the corruption and unreliability of the South Vietnamese government, who if I recall correctly, were the ones who actually carried out the policy, and not...
  9. President Dukakis

    Ha! I'm older than you! I was 8 in 1992!
  10. President Dukakis

    And yeah Peter I agree. Didn't like Bush Sr. much at all.
  11. President Dukakis

    Wow Straha, you have created a conservative's paradise.
  12. worst villain ever

    I don't know. Check this out.
  13. Widowmaker war

    Dunno if this helps, but you can read the real story of K-19 in Blind Man's Bluff, whose author's name escapes me. It wasn't a missile boat in real life.
  14. worst villain ever

    I really don't see any difference between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. The Soviets killed more people than the Nazis ever dreamed, and had the potential to kill many, many more.