Recent content by TinyTartar

  1. WI: Mulberry style harbor in north africa

    The Italians I think would be far better off improving port capacity pre-war, and not just in Benghazi and Tripoli, but also adding a third port at I guess Tobruk, and constructing coastal rail and road infrastructure of high quality. This would of course all be massively expensive, and would...
  2. AHC: Hutus retake Rwanda

    To clarify, you don't need a genocide part 2 in the case of a Hutu reclamation of power, but the prospect would be likely.
  3. WI- Saratoga is a British victory?

    Well, Boston was taken in March of 1776, and Saratoga occurred in October of 1777. The guns from Ticonderoga were long taken from the fort, the place was basically useless except for it being a supply hub on Lake Champlain. The guns taken from Ticonderoga were actually for the most part...
  4. USA North stays Republican, South stays Democrat

    You can probably keep at least Kentucky and West Virginia as blue states if you keep the Democrats from going after coal and staying centrist on social issues. I know plenty of people from those areas who vote Democrat on state tickets and Republican in federal elections, mostly because they...
  5. Allies land in Northern Germany WW2

    I don't see how this is rational, or up until Operation Varsity, even possible. Trying it instead of D-Day means that landing craft logistics would be absolute hell, the room for a breakout would be easily contained, momentum would be stopped almost immediately for a force on the ass end of...
  6. AHC: Hutus retake Rwanda

    The thread about the genocide got my mind hung up on the aftermath of the Rwandan Civil War. The RPF took over the country and has ruled it ever since, with the minority Tutsi in control of all apparatuses of state. The Hutu Power movement for the most part fled into Zaire, and from there...
  7. USA more public transport post-WW2

    I think you are going to need to prevent the decline of cities and no interstate highway system in order for this to work. People use cars because they are easier, and have been made easier. If owning a car is more of a burden (like if you live in NYC), than people won't own cars. If you...
  8. WI- Saratoga is a British victory?

    For one thing, Burgoyne wasn't marching on Boston, he was marching on Albany. The militia presence in New England made an overland march damn near suicide for an army Burgoyne's size. They would win every battle and have their supply lines and columns harassed to death, not to mention having no...
  9. WI: US Forces Intervenes in Rhwandan Genocide

    The problem is that the Hutu extremists went around and killed all moderate leadership before the order to cut the tall trees was given. The only people left in power were Hutu Power believers. Two of the provincial governors lasted around 3-4 days without being killed and they were...
  10. George W. Bush running for president in 2008

    Bush's primary win in 2000 came from the fact that he was able to get the Evangelical vote on his side pretty quickly and at the same time, get the big money donors to back him. The only wing of the party he left out were the Libertarian types, and they did not have nearly the amount of money...
  11. Longest possible time Ireland could stay in the UK

    If home rule is adopted earlier on, perhaps as early as Gladstone's first period as Prime Minister, there could be enough support for the new parliament that Ireland is satisfied. As long as all of the anti-Catholic stuff goes away, that is. Therefore, I can see Ireland still as a member of...
  12. Modernized Celtic religion

    I think you'd have better luck having Celtic Christianity survive long term and never enter communion with Rome, and to be honest, this was very much a possibility during the post Roman period. The appeal of Christianity in Britain in its early period was always its monasteries, which did a...
  13. WI- Saratoga is a British victory?

    The best way for the British to win that campaign is to simply bring Burgoyne's army to NYC and combine with Clinton, and march up the Hudson. Coming down from Canada put the force into logistical hell, delayed it constantly with weather and travel issues, and the march through the wilderness...
  14. Sarmatian Immigration to Britain in the migration age

    One of the really bad movies about King Arthur from a few years back, set at the end of Roman Britain, makes this assertion.
  15. Violent black reaction to lynchings

    This is what the Red Summer was. Basically, running gang violence between white and black mobs, usually preempted by a lynching or an interracial act of violence. In the 1870s, the US Army was basically the ones stopping lynchings, but lynchings were mostly a KKK phenomenon at that point...